Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Concerned After YouTube Censors Medical Comments Regarding COVID-19

Philadelphia, PA- September 17, 2020-  The Catholic Medical Association is concerned and disappointed to learn of YouTube’s action to censor recent comments on COVID-19 made by a well respected medical expert, who serves as an advisor on The White House Coronavirus Task Force.  “The decision

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CMA’s Dr. Barbara Golder gives Analysis on: FDA and COVID-19 vaccine

The head of the US Food and Drug Administration says the agency may consider allowing a coronavirus vaccine to be put on the market before finishing phase 3 clinical trials. Correspondent Mark Irons spoke with Dr. Barbara Golder of the Catholic Medical Association about this

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COVID-19 vaccine myths

PHILADELPHIA — Several popular myths about COVID-19 vaccines have been gaining traction on social media in recent months, particularly in regard to messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines being developed by Moderna, Sanofi, Pfizer and a handful of other companies. I would like to consider five of

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Éthique et foi, au temps du COVID-19

Nous traversons pour combien de temps encore une période qui nous émonde à plus d'un titre. François Blin a eu la bonne idée de créer un groupe Wahtsap "CCMF". Vous pouvez nous nous envoyer un message si vous souhaitez en faire partie. Je vous signale

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Il Papa: così sto vivendo l’emergenza pandemia

Come sta vivendo il Papa la crisi causata dal Covid-19? E come prepararsi al dopo? Intervista con Francesco realizzata da Austen Ivereigh VATICAN NEWS Come sta vivendo il Papa la crisi causata dal Covid-19? E come prepararsi al dopo? Francesco ha risposto a distanza, registrando

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COVID-19 : Comment protéger les autres ?

Cela vous arrive-t-il de vous énerver contre des gens irresponsables, même si vous n’êtes pas concerné personnellement ? Contre des personnes insouciantes ou égoïstes qui sont malades au point d’aller faire le test du Covid 19, qui devraient se tenir en quarantaine, mais continuent de sortir,

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St. Benedict showed what to do in a pandemic

It’s pretty amazing how well some 6th-century principles can guide us today. Click here to launch the slideshow“What will we remember from this time?” asked Pope Francis about the COVID-19 pandemic. “The things that unite us.” At Benedictine College in Kansas, we are dealing with

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For this pulmonologist, God is a refuge during the pandemic

Short, silent moments amid hectic workdays provide time for conversations with God.OUR FAITHROSIE MCCARTY Becoming a physician was never Marta Kokoszynska’s plan. “I was a math nerd,” she says. But throughout her journey emigrating to the United States and her pursuit of a bachelor’s degree

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Coronavirus, card. Parolin: non ostacolare vicinanza ai malati

Giovedì 27 agosto 2020 Non trascurare le dimensioni spirituali della pandemia Città del Vaticano, 27 ago. (askanews) – “Nella situazione di drammatica emergenza che abbiamo vissuto, si è palesato il limite di un’interpretazione delle questioni sanitarie secondo paradigmi esclusivamente tecnici che ha praticamente negato alcuni

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Papal Catechesis on the COVID-19 pandemic

"To heal the world" in the light of the Gospel, of the theological virtues and of the principles of the Church’s social doctrine. After the July break, Pope Francis begins a new cycle of catechesis to address the urgent issues highlighted by the pandemic, particularly social

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