Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Nel drammatico momento che stiamo vivendo a causa del COVID

“Tendi la tua mano al povero” (cfr Sir 7,32) Preghiera ispirata dal  Messaggio del Santo Padre Francesco del 13.6.2020  per la IV Giornata Mondiale dei Poveri che si celebra la Domenica del Tempo Ordinario, il 15.11.2020 O Dio Padre, creatore e amante del creato, giusto

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Gestione degli inizi della epidemia di COVID-19 a Wuhan

Un organo di stampa ufficiale del Partito Comunista Cinese ha criticato la gestione degli inizi della epidemia di COVID-19 a Wuhan Il Global Times, organo di stampa in inglese della cui edizione è responsabile il Quotidiano del popolo, organo ufficiale del Comitato centrale del Partito

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COVID-19 Vaccines

I have the impression that experts and the general public are pinning their best hopes for resolving the current pandemic on a vaccine against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Huge amounts of money is being invested in research all over the world. Indeed, the only

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COVID: Task Force in Singapore

Reminders from COVID-19 Task Force and the team Dear Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ, We thank you for the positive emails and messages coming through on our channels  concerning and the Mass Attendance Registration System (MARS). When the Church embarked on this project, her focus was to

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Canada: On Caring in the midst of COVID (En, Fr)

Today, the members of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) released a Message entitled They Still Bring Forth Fruit in Old Age: A Lesson on Caring in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This timely Message serves as an occasion for

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Cinque lezioni del coronavirus, secondo un medico cattolico

Il dottor José María Simón Castellví, presidente emerito della Federazione Internazionale delle Associazioni Mediche Cattoliche (FIAMC) Dopo mesi della pandemia provocata dal nuovo coronavirus, in fase di regressione in alcune parti del mondo e in peggioramento in altre, il dottor José María Simón Castellví, presidente

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Cinco lecciones del coronavirus, según un médico católico

El doctor José María Simón Castellví, presidente emérito de la Federación Internacional de Asociaciones Médicas Católicas (FIAMC) Después de meses de la pandemia originada por el coronavirus, que remite en unas partes del mundo mientras que empeora en otras, el doctor José María Simón Castellví,

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Reflexiones de un médico tras meses de COVID

José María Simón Castellví Presidente emérito de la Federación Internacional de Asociaciones Médicas Católicas (FIAMC) Después de unos cuantos meses de sufrir la pandemia en curso, que remite en unas partes del mundo mientras que empeora en otras, ofrezco algunas reflexiones que me parecen necesarias.

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The Pulse of Catholic Medicine

Dear CMA Members and Friends, There can be no doubt — these times are like no other our generation has known. Since the last installment of The Pulse of Catholic Medicine, our world has suffered a pandemic, with the United States suffering the most loss of life.

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The Pulse: Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Physicians, Heal Thyself BY CYNTHIA HUNT, M.D. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased stress tremendously for many physicians and health care providers in multiple ways that are unprecedented in volume and intensity. Considering 50% of physicians reported burnout prior to the pandemic, it is now

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