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Possible ways The Catholic Church is considering Celebrating Mass Dr. THOMAS McGOVERN, dermatologist, infectious disease specialist and Catholic Medical Association board member (USA) discusses new guidelines by the Thomistic Insitute for the attendance of Mass during the pandemic.

Perú: Protocolo para el culto religioso en tiempos de la pandemia

Conferencia Episcopal Peruana presenta “Protocolo para el culto religioso en tiempos de la pandemia” access_time1 día ago La Conferencia Episcopal Peruana comunica a todos los fieles y a las personas de buena voluntad que ha elaborado el “Protocolo para el culto religioso en tiempos de la pandemia”, a

Doctors & Priests on COVID THE GOOD FIGHT - 04/04/2020 - DOCTORS & PRIESTS ON COVID-19Epidemiologists Dr. Paul Carson and Dr. Paul Cieslak of the Catholic Medical Association (USA) discuss the impact of the Coronavirus on our nation. In the second hour, Dr. Tom McGovern of CMA discusses COVID-19

Doctor, Doctor

Official radio show of the Catholic Medical Association (USA.. New episodes available multiple times per week. Coronavirus Update 5/6 with Epidemiologist Mark Strand, PhDHow the Coronavirus Pandemic is Affecting Cancer TreatmentCoronavirus Roundtable Discussion

Come Bartimeo, cieco, seduto a mendicare …

Preghiera ispirata dall’Udienza Generale di Papa Francesco del 06.05.2020 Signore Gesù Cristo, Figlio del Dio vivente, abbi pietà di me peccatore e del mondo intero!  Come Bartimeo, cieco, seduto a mendicare sul bordo della strada alla periferia di Gerico, anche noi gridiamo a squarciagola: «Figlio

Edward Jenner, padre de las vacunas

Edward Jenner, padre de las vacunas, el científico que amaba a Dios que ha salvado millones de vidas Jenner vacunando a James Phipps. Óleo pintado por Earnest Board (1920)F Alfonso V. Carrascosa / ReL 06 mayo 2020TAGS: Ciencia y feCoronavirus El mundo espera la vacuna

Coronavirus has exposed the limitations of hegemonic materialism

“Coronavirus has exposed the limitations of hegemonic materialism”. An interview with Prof. Danilo Castellano 27 March 2020By editorDSC NEWS At the end of February the eleventh International Congress of the Colombian Association of Catholic Lawyers and the sixth Hispanic Day of Natural Law was held at the headquarters

Il tempo del deserto causato dal Coronavirus

Preghiera ispirata da Pontificia Commissione Biblica, "Che cosa è l'uomo?"(Sal. 8,5). Un itinerario di antropologia biblica, L. E. V. 2019, p.70. O Dio, Padre della vita, umili e penitenti ci rivolgiamo a Te. Abbiamo molto peccato contro di Te, il prossimo e il creato. Non

India: The battle against COVID

The battle against COVID-19 will be long and hard. With the number of positive cases and resulting deaths rising in India every day, economic slowdown, and limited access to other equally critical healthcare services, more and more people are in need of support and care.While the lockdown

Algunas cuestiones éticas tras la pandemia

Algunas cuestiones éticas tras la pandemia por Covid-19 y sobre la situación que suscita la presencia de esta enfermedad en nuestra sociedad La Asociación Española de Bioética y Ética Médica (AEBI) ha intentado recordar y reafirmar diversos criterios éticos durante la fase inicial y crítica

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