Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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President Ars: on the coronavirus pandemic

Message from president Bernard Ars about the Corona pandemic. Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French version: see below. My Dear Colleagues,Dear Friends, In these very difficult moments of the coronavirus pandemic, I would like to say a few words to assure you of my solidarity and my prayer, as well

Croatian Catholic Medical Society on COVID-19

Statement by the President of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society on the Threat Posed by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Pandemic Dear Members of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society, At the end of 2019, an epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) broke out in China and

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The Search for the Deeper Meaning of Existence

Assist. Prof. Rok Čivljak, M.D., Ph.D., Infectious Disease Specialist President of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society The Search for the Deeper Meaning of Existence By Vlado Čutura April 2, 2020 “Perhaps this pandemic is an opportunity for us to turn toward one another and recognize

Preghiera per gli anziani

Preghiera per gli anziani ispirata dal  Messaggio del Dicastero per i Laici, la Famiglia e la Vita (07.04.2020)Anziani: nella solitudine il coronavirus uccide di più O Dio Padre clementissimo, in questo tempo di pandemia, tempesta inaspettata e furiosa, ci siamo resi conto di trovarci sulla stessa

Nella solitudine il coronavirus uccide di più

07 aprile 2020 Care sorelle e cari fratelli, nel cuore di questa “tempesta inaspettata e furiosa ci siamo resi conto – come ci ha ricordato Papa Francesco - di trovarci sulla stessa barca”. Al suo interno ci sono anche gli anziani. Come tutti, sono fragili

Shroud of Turin to go on rare display for Easter

Wikipedia Public Domain  Share 21k John Burger | Apr 05, 2020 Archbishop responds to thousands of requests for holy cloth to be viewed through social media. Responding to thousands of requests, the Archbishop of Turin has decided to allow the Shroud of Turin to be displayed for Easter.

Un medico cattolico di fronte al coronavirus

Halfpoint | Shutterstock Aleteia Team | Apr 06, 2020 “La fede e l’amore ci salveranno!”, spiega il dottor Franco Balzaretti, vice presidente nazionale dell’Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani. Pubblichiamo la riflessione del dottor Franco Balzaretti, vice presidente nazionale dell’Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani (AMCI),  chirurgo presso ASL Vercelli,  e

Pastoral measures in connection with the pandemic

PASTORAL MEASURES IN CONNECTION WITH THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC The Covid-19 pandemic is getting worse, with the number of confirmed cases globally approaching 500,000, and the death toll exceeding 20,000, and a large number of newly confirmed cases every day. A week ago, a lot of

AMCI: Messaggi di Buona Pasqua

SANTA PASQUA 2020 Pubblichiamo qui di seguito (ed in allegato nella loro versione integrale) i messaggi pasquali del nostro Assistente Nazionale Card. Edoardo Menichelli e del nostro Presidente prof. Filippo Boscia con i migliori auguri da parte di tutta la Presidenza  Nazionale AMCI e uniti

COMECE in response to COVID-19

COMECE elaborates a list of main EU measures taken in response to the Covid-19 pandemic On the occasion of the International Fact-checking Day (2 April) and in the context of COMECE’s commitment to counter fake news and disinformation, its Secretariat prepared a list of the main measures put

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