Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Catholic Health Association and the Virus

CORONAVIRUS RESOURCES Catholic health care is on the front lines responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States. During this time, we pray for all those affected by the virus. Below is a sampling of statements, information and resources from our members and other

L’attrice che ha deciso di essere infermiera

L’attrice che ha deciso di essere infermiera per lottare contro il coronavirus Dolors Massot | Apr 02, 2020  Clara Alvarado è un volto noto al pubblico spagnolo grazie a serie come “La Casa di Carta”, in cui interpretava uno degli ostaggi, Ariadna. L’attrice ha studiato Scienze

Éthique et foi, au temps du Covid-19

Nous traversons pour combien de temps encore une période qui nous émonde à plus d'un titre. François Blin a eu la bonne idée de créer un groupe Wahtsap "CCMF". Vous pouvez nous nous envoyer un message si vous souhaitez en faire partie. Je vous signale

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CHAI’s Response to COVID-19

Governments and people are uniting worldwide for concerted action to combat the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. While lockdowns and social distancing measures can flatten the curve of the pandemic, providing social, economic and emotional support to people is essential. In addition, building resilience of the healthcare

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La libertad en tiempos del virus

Javier Junceda La libertad en tiempos del virus Desde que Juan sin Tierra otorgó en 1215 la Carta Magna inglesa hasta nuestros días, la libertad ha estado amparada por los ordenamientos del mundo civilizado como uno de los más relevantes derechos. Sin excepciones, las garantías

Happy Doctor’s Day

March 30, 2020 On behalf of the Board and staff of the Catholic Medical Association, I bid you a Happy Doctor’s Day! Doctor’s Day comes each year. This anniversary seems to have more significance as the healthcare community and nation as a whole advance to confront

Prayers for Health Workers

Prayers of the Faithful for the Heroic Health Workers on the Frontline of COVID-19 Fight 29 March 2020 In response to the call for prayers today, 29 March 2020, by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) for the country’s medical frontliners against the

Connection to hospitalized patients

Catholic nurses often only spiritual connection to hospitalized patients By Tom Tracy Catholic News Service CNS photo/Gregory A. ShemitzA personal care assistant has her hands anointed May 7, 2018, by Father Corneille Boyeye, chaplain at St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center in Smithtown, N.Y., during the

Covid-19: A Prayer of Solidarity

For all who have contracted coronavirus,     We pray for care and healing. For those who are particularly vulnerable,     We pray for safety and protection. For all who experience fear or anxiety,     We pray for peace of mind and spirit. For affected families who are facing

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La pastorale della salute in Italia

EMERGENZA COVID-19 E' stata predisposta una pagina dedicata alle informazioni sul Covid-19 Coronavirus - Aggiornamenti quotidiani EVENTIOGGI 06 APRILE 2020Gruppo Progettazione22 APRILE 2020Webinar per operatori sanitari degli Hospice cattolici: Il "modello hospice" nei percorsi assistenziali - lezione 3a29 APRILE 2020Webinar per operatori sanitari degli Hospice

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