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«La potenza della sua resurrezione»

In occasione della prossima Pasqua, in un contesto inedito come quello che stiamo vivendo a causa dell'emergenza coronavirus, mons. Delpini ha scritto un «Messaggio di speranza» invitando i credenti a essere «sempre lieti nel Signore»​. Online il testo integrale «Avevamo immaginato un’altra Pasqua»: con queste

Coronavirus update Dr. Bob Tiballi Dr. Bob Tiballi is an infectious disease specialist and member of the Catholic Medial Association (USA). He's also an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine.

Psychological Impact of Coronavirus

Catholic medical professionals are recommending a balance of prayer and healthy time management to maintain psychological well-being during the coronavirus pandemic, when many are alone and disconnected from loved ones. Correspondent Mark Irons tells us what doctors are advising. Barbara Golder, M.D., J.D. Dr.

Coronavirus: D. Francesco Dell´Orco (Gemelli)

Preghiera nel tempo del Coronavirus (COVID-19) O Dio Padre di tutti, che sei al di sopra di tutti, agisci per mezzo di tutti e sei presente in tutti, insidiati a livello mondiale dal Coronavirus, con confidenza filiale ricorriamo a Te: accresci la nostra fede! Ti

Points to Consider: Triage in the Perspective of Catholic Bioethics

Over the past several months, the virus causing COVID-19 disease has been spreading silently throughout the world, infecting hundreds of thousands of people. COVID-19 already has killed over eighteen thousand people worldwide, and it threatens to hospitalize and kill countless more as well as to

COVID-19: Guiding Principles for Catholic Healthcare

March 27, 2020 Guiding Principles For Catholic Healthcare Professionals During a Pandemic The Ethics Committee of the Catholic Medical Association Catholic physicians and health care workers for centuries have led the world in the care for the most vulnerable during times of crisis. Recalling our

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Coronavirus: Preghiera per i laici e le famiglie

Foto FIAMC: Basílica de la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona O Dio Padre, Creatore e Signore della vita, Ti ringraziamo per averci donato la vita, fondamento di ogni altro bene. In questo tempo di pandemia, soccorrici nella Tua Onnipotenza misericordiosa. Con fiducia ci abbandoniamo fra le

Boscia: “Nessuna selezione dei pazienti”

"NESSUNA SELEZIONE DEI PAZIENTI" : INTERVISTA DI FAMIGLIA CRISTIANA AL PRESIDENTE FILIPPO BOSCIA + NOTA CONGIUNTA AMCI E CENTRO LIVATINO «Nessuna "selezione" dei pazienti, solo ora ci accorgiamo dell'eroismo dei medici?» FAMIGLIA CRISTIANA del 12/03/2020 Il presidente dei medici cattolici italiani Filippo Boscia: «Il momento

Practicing Palliative Care in the Midst of the Coronavirus

March 25, 2020 “And I saw a river over which every soul must pass to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, and the name of that river was suffering… and then I saw a boat which carried souls across the river, and the name of that

Amid pandemic…

Amid pandemic, health care professionals find support, strength in faith Tom TracyMar 25, 2020 CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE A health care worker in Seattle holds some of the thousands of masks that have been donated March 22, 2020, by community members for the protection against the

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