Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Card. Turkson on COVID-19

The following is the Message sent by His Eminence Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, in the time of Coronavirus (COVID-19): Message of Cardinal Peter K.A. Turkson To the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences,To Bishops responsible for

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La centralidad es Jesucristo

Frente al coronavirus debemos centrarnos en Cristo, señala médico católico Redacción ACI Prensa Imagen referencial. Crédito: Unsplash. El médico católico José María Simón Castellví señaló que frente a la epidemia del coronavirus, las personas deben reflexionar sobre la vida y centrarse en Cristo, que es

Semplicemente… Grazie!

Semplicemente grazie. Lettera del vescovo Ricciardi a tutti coloro che operano – sempre – per la salute della persona 4 marzo 2020 1 marzo 2020, I domenica di Quaresima. Nei giorni del “coronavirus” Mi permetto di scriverti, con umiltà e rispetto, pensando al lavoro prezioso che fai

L´epidemia non conosce confini né colore di pelle

Sono «giorni di forte preoccupazione e crescente inquietudine», giorni in cui «la fragilità umana e la vulnerabilità della presunta sicurezza nella tecnica sono insidiate a livello mondiale dal coronavirus, davanti al quale si stanno piegando tutte le attività più significative — economia, imprenditoria, lavoro, viaggi,

A Coronavirus Prayer

Kerry Weber  March 02, 2020 FacebookTwitterEmail A woman wearing a mask prays during Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral in Hanoi, Vietnam, Feb. 26, 2020, amid the coronavirus outbreak. (CNS photo/Kham, Reuters) Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.”

L´Eucaristia ai malati!

Coronavirus, il Papa: i sacerdoti portino l'Eucaristia ai malati Seconda Messa del mattino presieduta da Francesco in diretta streaming da Casa S. Marta. Al nuovo incoraggiamento per gli operatori sanitari che lottano contro il COVID-19 e alle preghiere per gli ammalati, il Pontefice aggiunge l’esortazione

Suspension of masses and COVID-19

Suspension of public masses and other religious gatherings in some areas could be lifted in weeks time. It is a trying period. We expect the pandemic lo last until the summer months of May or June wen the weather gets hotter. The danger is that

Pope Francis prays for those affected by coronavirus

Pope Francis assures his closeness in prayer to those affected by the current coronavirus epidemic. By Vatican News Speaking from the Library of the Apostolic Palace on Sunday, Pope Francis assured “those suffering from the current coronavirus epidemic and to all those who are caring

Closeness to those affected by coronavirus

Vatican expresses closeness to those affected by coronavirus In a message, the Vatican Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life is inviting all to face the emergency with seriousness, serenity and courage. By Robin Gomes (Vatican News) “A person’s life has great value in the eyes of

God and the viruses

The media is saturated these days with the latest news of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) – which symptoms to look out for, how it spreads, and what steps must be taken to prevent, contain or treat it. But this Coronavirus is not unique in making headlines

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