Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Da al médico los honores que merece

El coronavirus llega a distintas partes del mundo con distinta intensidad y ritmo, y en cada país (y en la Iglesia cada diócesis) se van tomando medidas según las circunstancias y los consejos de las autoridades médicas y civiles. Escuchar al médico y contar con él -sin

Bioethics at a Glance Nº. 10 February 28, 2020

“Bioethics at a Glance”, containing very relevant news with bioethical implications. Britain genome sequencing in all newborns is questioned The United Kingdom has proposed that all children will be able to receive genome sequencing within a few days of birth… Read more. Coronavirus. A developing story that

El coronavirus y la responsabilidad pública

Javier Junceda, jurista y escritor, autor de esta columna.INICIOFIRMASJavier Junceda | 01 Marzo, 2020 La ley reguladora de la responsabilidad patrimonial de las Administraciones públicas viene desde hace años proclamando que “no serán indemnizables los daños que se deriven de hechos o circunstancias que no se hubiesen

How it Works ? POWERED BY   Multilingual Support When it comes to language you don't have to worry about being on the wrong page we have multilingual support. Panel of Advisors We have a panel of social workers, psychologists & counselors who are waiting to

Covid-19 Resource Centre

COVID-19 Resource Centre To assist health workers and researchers working under challenging conditions to bring this outbreak to a close, The Lancet has created a Coronavirus Resource Centre. This resource brings together new 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) content from across The Lancet journals as it is published. All

Masses suspended in Hong Kong and Singapore

PASTORAL LETTER ON COVID-19 - SUSPENSION OF MASSES AND LARGE GATHERINGS  My dear People of God, Over the past weeks, we have provided medical and public health advisories to minimize the risk of a cluster outbreak of the COVID-19 among our congregations and priests.    We

Macau: On Preventing the Spread of Infectious Disease

Catholic Diocese of Macau Chancery Notice Pastoral Directive, Version 2  (*Revised 29/01/2020) On Preventing the Spread of Infectious Disease As the novel Coronavirus outbreak worsens, all are advised to pay close attention to the latest news release by the Macau SAR Government ( and duly

Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore in Tackling the Coronavirus

Guidelines for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore in Tackling the Wuhan Virus Outbreak (31 January 2020) The Archbishop, in consultation with his Consultors, has decided to suspend all Catechism Classes for children (which includes parish and home catechism, CGS and RCIY) until 1st March,

Coronavirus: Situation Summary

Updated January 26, 2020 CDC is closely monitoring an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus (termed “2019-nCoV”) that was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and which continues to expand. Chinese health officials have reported more than a thousand

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