Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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On Vaccines: a Clarification

Zagreb, December 20, 2020 Dear colleagues, I see that the coronavirus vaccines have caused great alarm among the Catholic world, which I understand and justify. Each new phenomenon should be carefully considered before usage, including new vaccines. But as physicians (and scientists) we can’t forget

Coronavirus: ¿Cómo iremos ahora a misa?

HARALD TITTEL / DPA / dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP Salvador Aragonés - publicado el 06/05/20 La reapertura de las iglesias se hará con prudencia en el mundo. Mira en la galería cómo se esta haciendo en algunos lugares Haga click aquí para abrir el carrusel fotográfico Al

Médicos católicos: No hay barreras éticas contra vacunas de Pfizer y Moderna

19 de diciembre de 2020 Médicos católicos: No hay barreras éticas contra vacunas COVID-19 de Pfizer y Moderna Redacción ACI Prensa Imagen referencial / Vacunas COVID-19. Crédito: Daniel Schludi / Unsplash. El Consejo Ejecutivo de la Sociedad Médica Católica Croata informó recientemente que “ciertamente no

A Brief Review of the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

Given the contradictory information and statements issued by individuals about the possible harms of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, which could contribute to an irrational attitude toward vaccination and the avoidance of this form of COVID-19 prevention, we feel the need to inform our members about several

Degrees of Responsibility of Vaccine Usage

December 16, 2020 Information Regarding Degrees of Responsibility of Vaccine Usage Philadelphia, PA- December 16, 2020- We are so fortunate to be able to rely on the Catholic Church for authoritative guidance concerning the moral use of vaccines to protect against COVID-19.  Questions are not new

Ethical Concerns on COVID Vaccines (En, Esp)

U.S. Bishop Chairmen for Pro-Life and Doctrine Address Ethical Concerns on the New COVID-19 Vaccines DECEMBER 14, 2020  EN ESPAÑOL WASHINGTON– On December 14, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Doctrine, and

Catholic Church’s Teaching on COVID-19 Vaccines (video)

This video is narrated by Dr. Alan Moy, founder and scientific director of the John Paul II Medical Research Institute in Coralville, IA, USA. This video summarizes the Catholic Church's teaching on vaccines based on the 2005 Pontifical Council of Life. The video then applies that statement

MaterCare: COVID Statement

Potential solutions to the challenges identified during the first meeting of the “Health” group Dr. Bogdan Chazan, President Mater Care International Access to health care for the treatment of COVID-19 and other conditions. The access to health and treatment for COVID-19 differs in particular countries

Ordinary Missions

Barbara GolderF Article information  It’s a new year, thanks be to God. The pandemic, the political unrest, and the economic upheaval of 2020 laid bare in many ways the need for a revived sense of mission at all levels and in all Catholics. The November

COVID: now is the time for Community

Covid: after State and Market, now is the time for Community Pope Francis is certain of this and is repeating it to everyone: we will emerge either better or worse after the pandemic The global crisis requires that the parameters of human co-existence be rethought

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