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    Lourdes doctor: ‘This is how 71st miracle was recognised’

    This is the 71st officially recognised miracle by grace of Our Lady of Lourdes: the healing of John Traynor, an English sailor paralysed in both legs, who was cured during a pilgrimage to Lourdes in 1923. Dr Alessandro de Franciscis, director of the Medical Records

      Saint Pantaleon – Physician Wonder-Worker

      SAINT PANTALEON Physician Wonder-Worker (also known as Panteleemon, Panteleimon) Feast Day: July 27 d. circa 300 Saint Pantaleon is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, known for their efficacious response to prayer, who are especially venerated in France and Germany. Pantaleon’s name in Greek, means

        Shroud of Turin to go on rare display for Easter

        Wikipedia Public Domain  Share 21k John Burger | Apr 05, 2020 Archbishop responds to thousands of requests for holy cloth to be viewed through social media. Responding to thousands of requests, the Archbishop of Turin has decided to allow the Shroud of Turin to be displayed for Easter.

          Dr. Deschepper: Guérison de Rudder a Lourdes

          LA GUERISON SPECTACULAIRE DE PIERRE DE RUDDER  LE 7 AVRIL 1875, UN RAPPEL DE CET EVENEMENT UNIQUE.  Dr. PAUL DESCHEPPER  Past President FEAMC Mes grand-parents, habitant à Stalhille lez Jabbeke m’ont conté pour la première fois l’histoire de Pierre De Rudder. Cette histoire m’a toujours

            Dr. Patrick Theillier: Lourdes, Terre de guérisons

            L'histoire des plus beaux miracles de Lourdes Lourdes, Terre de guérisons Dr Patrick Theillier Parution : 12 juin 2019 432p. - 9.5 € Présentation :Responsable du Bureau des Constatations Médicales du Sanctuaire durant 12 ans, le Dr Patrick Theillier a pu constater l'incroyable : des malades guérissent régulièrement

              La guarigione spettacolare di Pieter de Rudder

              LA GUARIGIONE SPETTACOLARE DI PIETER DE RUDDER IL 7 APRILE 1875: UNA RIVISITA DI QUESTO EVENTO UNICO Dr. Paul Deschepper Già Presidente della FEAMC Traduzione: Kathelijne Bonne, Maria Michelino. I miei nonni, Petrus Deschepper (° 1861, +1943) e Ludovica-Maria De Soete (1862, +1946), di Stalhille

                The Healing of Pieter de Rudder

                  JESUS THE HEALER

                  JESUS THE HEALER (MK 5:21-43) Sickness is assessed as a personal and social concern. It implies a wider compass than pure concern for the individual sick person. Sickness like sin is both a personal and social phenomenon. The people of God under God is nearly


                      In attached article, published in the Bulletin of the International Medical Association of Our Lady of Lourdes (AMIL), a Catholic pediatrician reflects on her pilgrimage to Lourdes and shares her experience serving Native Americans in the Southwest. "Into the Heart of the West: A doctor

                      LA FEDE È IN GRADO DI GUARIRE

                      «Se avvengono ancora i miracoli a Lourdes? Certo che sì». Nessuno meglio di Franco Balzaretti, direttore del Day Surgery dell’Asl di Vercelli, per anni alla guida del Pronto Soccorso dell’ospedale Sant’Andrea, specialista nella chirurgia d’urgenza, può rispondere a questa domanda. Unico piemontese su quattro italiani,

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