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Sobre las catástrofes naturales

Se dice que acciones físicas, que son responsabilidad de los hombres, podrían alterar el clima y propiciar catástrofes naturales. Pero no se dice que actos humanos espirituales – conversión, oración y sacrificios – pueden evitar o dulcificar las catástrofes naturales. La Virgen en las apariciones

I Re Magi

I Re Magi e il rapporto tra ragione e fede Dott. Ermanno Pavesi Già Membro della Presidenza FIAMC Il Vangelo secondo Matteo ricorda l’episodio dei Re Magi che, studiando gli astri, si sono messi alla ricerca  del “Re dei Giudei”: «Gesù nacque a Betlemme di

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A voice was heard in Ramah …

A voice was heard in Ramah sobbing and loud lamentation ;Rachel weeping for her children , and she would not be consoled , since they were no more. The city of Bethlehem, this year has had toned down their Christmas celebrations in solidarity with the

Mankind in His Glory – An Infant

Anne Lastman A Reflection “Peter,” The Holy Father, Pope Francis, without breaking the line of promise “You are Peter the rock and on you I will build my church” where each and every “Peter” during Holy Midnight Mass continued the ritual and held the little

Guatemalan physician Ernesto Cofiño declared Venerable

   By Andrés Henríquez for CNA Dr. Ernesto Cofiño was a pediatrician in Guatemala and father of five. / Credit: Opus Dei ACI Prensa Staff, Dec 15, 2023 / 17:45 pm (CNA). With the authorization of Pope Francis, the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints promulgated

The Holy Innocents

December 28: The Feast Of The Holy Innocents Martyrs On this day the Church celebrates the memory of those children who were killed in Bethlehem and its environs by order of King Herod. These innocent victims gave testimony to the Messiah and Redeemer, not by

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Santo Natale 2023

Predica di Natale 2023                          «Finché non spunti il giorno si lavora con fiducia per il regno di Dio» «E abbiamo anche, solidissima, la parola dei profeti, alla quale fate bene a volgere l’attenzione come a lampada che brilla in un luogo oscuro, finché non spunti

Venerable Dr. Ernesto Cofiño

Animan a pedir “gracias y favores” a Venerable Ernesto Cofiño para su posible beatificación Ernesto Guglielmo Cofiño Ubico. | Crédito: Prelatura del Opus Dei / Flickr Por Diego López Colín 22 de diciembre de 2023 Tras el reciente reconocimiento por parte del Papa Francisco de las

Domenica dell’Incarnazione / Domenica Gaudete

Domenica 17 dicembre  2023 Rito ambrosiano Domenica dell’Incarnazione (VI di Avvento) Luca 1, 26-38a In quel tempo. L’angelo Gabriele fu mandato da Dio in una città della Galilea, chiamata Nàzaret, a una vergine, promessa sposa di un uomo della casa di Davide, di nome Giuseppe.

Jesus’ healing, a part of the announcement of the Kingdom

Anne Lastman Having just entered into our new liturgical year and the Gospel of Mark, I had the opportunity to re-read this very short Gospel with eyes of an older person and hope to see things that I had not seen before.  There are so

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