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St Luke

San Lucas (Buey alado). Basílica de la Sagrada Familia. Barcelona.FIAMC Press Services Pro-Life Physician and Evangelist Feast day: 18 October Saint Luke the Evangelist was a doctor from Hellenic Syria. He was called "Our Beloved Luke, the Physician" by his fellow traveler, the peripatetic Saint

La Virgen del Pilar

APARICIÓN DE LA VIRGEN DEL PILAR: Que derriba el muro de la increencia Este 12 de octubre celebramos, especialmente en Latinoamérica y España, la aparición de la Virgen del Pilar en Zaragoza (España) Que tuvo lugar en los albores de la predicación de los apóstoles,

Croatia: Celebration of Sts. Cosmas and Damian

Members of the Section of Pharmacists and Medical Biochemists of the HKLD celebrated their heavenly patrons with a solemn concelebrated Holy Mass on September 26, 2023 in the parish church of St. Peter. Cosmas and Damian in Kuzminac, where members of the HKLD have been

Los Angeles: Mass for Healthcare Professionals

HomeSunday, October 22, 2023, 3:30 PMLocation: Cathedral of Our Lady of the AngelsIn recognition of the dedicated work of Catholic Health Care Professionals, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Mission Doctors Association invites all Catholic physicians and medical personnel to the celebration of the Mass for Healthcare Professionals at the

Dios nos ama

¿DIOS NOS AMA TAL COMO SOMOS? En un sentido si, y en otro no: Nos ama incluso cuando estamos lejos, es Él el que ama primero, y nos impulsa a nuestra conversión. Sólo en Él somos felices. Es decir, nos ama tal como somos cuando

Promemoria: Mother Teresa

Canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta - Today - 4 September 2016   Dr. John Bruchalski's Encounter with Mother Teresa   “I thirst”.  I saw these words before I took off my shoes. It was a cool Saturday morning in the Spring of 1996.  I

He knows all of us

Thursday 24th August 2023 Analise D Mello MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB  “How do you know me?” I often sit and think about the sins I have committed, some times of omission, many of commission.. I keep thinking how does God know exactly where to find

Life and Work of José Gregorio Hernández

THE PEOPLE’S PHYSICIAN. LIFE AND WORK OF JOSÉ GREGORIO HERNÁNDEZ Curated by Alejandro Marius, Leonardo Marius, Sabrina Di ScipioWith the collaboration of card. Baltazar Porras, Arcivescovo di Caracas; padre Gerardino Barracchini, vice postulatore della causa di beatificazione; Alejandro Keri, economo Arcidiocesi di Caracas José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros (1864-1919)

The Transfiguration

Mt: 17:1-9 Anne Lastman As we approach the 6th August, we in the Latin Church celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord.  It’s a great pity that this feast day is not given much more honour as it is in the Eastern rite

Un médico que quiso ser enfermo

Pedro Tarrés fue médico competente y cuidaba a sus enfermos como si cuidase a Cristo. Después se ordenó sacerdote: se diría que no tenía bastante con cuidar al enfermo, sino que quiso ser enfermo por amor a Dios y a las almas. Cuando se enteró

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