Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Nuestro patrón S. Lucas en la Sagrada Familia

Fotos: FIAMC Press Services

On Saint Paul

Anne Lastman To bring into perspective the whole question of conversion and hence St Paul’s conversion experience and the problems associated with a person’s ability to perceive and accept God’s intervention in a human life, will be fruitful to review St Paul’s conversion experience both

Festa dell’Immacolata Concezione di Maria

8 dicembre 2022 Festa dell’Immacolata Concezione di Maria Nel rito romano si legge tutto il brano di Luca, nel rito ambrosiano si legge solo la parte in grassetto vv 26-28 (si sa che noi ambrosiani abbiamo sempre fretta!) Dal Vangelo secondo Luca In quel tempo,

FRANCE : 13e Rassemblement Emmanuel Médecins : « La mort : échec ou espérance ? »

Emmanuel Médecins vous invite à la 13ème édition de ce rassemblement international pour les médecins chirurgiens étudiants en médecine et leurs conjoints qui aura lieu à Paray le Monial, France (Bourgogne), les 10, 11 et 12 mars 2023. Le thème de cette année : «

Catéchisme de la vie spirituelle – Card. Robert Sarah

La FIAMC recommande / FIAMC recommends «  Il m’a semblé que l’éclipse de Dieu dans nos sociétés post-modernes, la crise des valeurs humaines et morales fondamentales et ses répercussions jusque dans l’Église, où l’on constate la confusion au sujet de la vérité divinement révélée, la

Ambrosoli, missionary Doctor

Uganda: Blessed Joseph Ambrosoli -priest, missionary, doctor, surgeon and philanthropist. The new Blessed of the Church, Fr Joseph Ambrosoli, was beatified Sunday at a colourful ceremony in Uganda's Archdiocese of Gulu. The Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda presided over the ceremony, also attended by the country's

Dr. Paul Takashi Nagai

In Udine the exhibition "Takashi Paolo Nagai Announcement from Nagasaki"E Written by the Friends of Takashi and Midori Nagai Committee Presentation meeting and exhibition with free admission November 5-20 From 5 to 20 November it will be possible to visit the exhibition “Takashi Paolo Nagai. Announcement

While they slept

Anne Lastman Pondering over something one of my friend’s daughters said “auntie there are some kids who have started dressing and saying that they aren’t really human but “cat” “bear” “mouse” even “dog”. They say that they feel like these animals and want to be

October 18: Saint Luke

Photos: FIAMC Press Services St. Luke, a medical doctor San Lucas (buey alado). Basílica de la Sagrada Familia. Barcelona Philip Kosloski - published on 01/14/21 St. Luke the Evangelist is described as a "physician" and used medical terms in his Gospel. Credited as writing one of the

A society in fast decline

Anne Lastman--- Recently I came across an article by a concerned mum which left me not knowing how to respond, whether to laugh, cry, whimper, puke or simply ignore. Reading about “The Furry Phenomenon and Its Appearance in Australia” I couldn’t believe that oxygen was

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