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El médico de los pobres

Carta dominical | «El médico de los pobres» El pasado 8 de mayo tuve la alegría de celebrar, en la Basílica de Santa María del Mar, una misa de acción de gracias por la beatificación del primer laico venezolano: el médico José Gregorio Hernández. El

Male and Female He created them

                             The womb is the Genesis of all compassion “Acknowledged in its fullness, this is the hour in which women acquire in the world an influence, an effect and a power never hitherto achieved.  That is why, at this moment when the human race is undergoing

Saint Roch

Saint Roch of Montpellier(Saint Roch de Montpellier) Feast Day – August 17 Saint Roch was the only son of a wealthy nobleman in France, who seems to have been governor of the town of Montpellier. In answer to the persevering prayers of the parents, this

Que Dios es bueno: un dogma implícito

Cuando uno no cree en un Dios bueno, en un Dios que es amor, puede tener una imagen distorsionada y pesimista del mundo y del universo. Si cree que su omnipotencia no es omnipotencia de bondad, insensiblemente se verá inclinado a imitar a este dios

El amor de cuerpo y alma de los esposos

Y la trasmisión de la vida La clave de todo está en el amor, un amor digno de ese nombre. Y el amor por su propia naturaleza tiende a propagarse, a expandirse; es difusivo. Así el amor de la pareja humana tiende a ensancharse entre

La figure à la fois attachante et fragile de Marie-Madeleine

HOMELIE DE Mgr BRUNO-MARIE DUFFESecrétaire du Dicastère pour le Service du Développement Humain Intégral (Vatican) Sébastien Bourdon : L’Extase de Marie Madeleine (vers 1665-1671) FETE DE SAINTE MARIE MADELEINE A LA BASILIQUE DE VEZELAYJEUDI 22 JUILLET 2021 Chers frères et sœurs, La figure à la fois attachante et

Forming Unlikely Allies for the Protection of Religious Liberty

BY DR. MATTHEW PECK As American Catholics, we know that the choices of our non-Catholic countrymen can have a significant impact on us. From the Know Nothing Party, to the murder of Fr. James Coyle, to the recent mistreatment of the Little Sisters of the

Faced with the ideological delusions of the moment, why Christianity?

Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D.. Version française ci-dessous.Versión en español a continuación Christianity is the religion based on the person, life and teaching of Jesus Christ.Christianity is defined by all the peoples where Christianity permeates cultural and social life.Secularization is a phenomenon expressed in two forms:

The Three Epochs of the Bride

    A Reflection Anne Lastman   The bride of Christ, humanity, has been growing and maturing through the ages and through epochs and in each era a member of the Most Holy Trinity has been the main celebrant and the main companion on this road

Medieval English Christian mystic about postpartum depression

Lessons from a Medieval English Christian mystic about postpartum depression Rogier van der Weyden | Public Domain Fr. Michael Rennier - published on 06/13/21 The fascinating life of Margery Kempe can inspire modern women to cope with and heal from mental illness. I’ve known mothers who, shortly

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