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Good Friday- Tetelestai (Gk) It is Finished

By Anne Lastman And so “Tetelestai” “It is finished” (Jn 19:28). I have always understood these words of Jesus on many levels. One of these levels is that the work of redemption has now been accomplished and it now remains that each human being believes,

On Being Catholic Healthcare Professionals in the Time of Pandemic

Lenten Reflection Most Reverend Vincenzo Paglia President, Pontifical Academy for Life March 26, 2021 Let me first thank Doctor. Vincenzo De Filippis and Monsignor Jacques Suaudeau for their invitation to open this meeting of the FEAMC Bureau with a brief reflection on being Catholic doctors

Messaggio di Pasqua del Presidente AMCI Filippo Boscia

MESSAGGIO DI PASQUA DEL PRESIDENTE FILIPPO BOSCIA - Prossimamente, il 29 marzo ore 19.00, incontro web con il Card. Menichelli aperto a tutti - Si allega anche una riflessione del Presidente Boscia per la Quaresima Roma, 19 Marzo 2021 Carissimi Amici, nel tempo del mistero

Easter Reflection 2021

Will you wait a while? By Anne Lastman Will you walk into Gethsemane with me? Will you wait a while? It’s very cold tonight and I am so burdened. Will you wait a while? It’s so lonely here – so desolate a feeling. It feels

Sobre las penas que afligen a la humanidad

¿De dónde proceden? ¿Cuál es su causa? Sabemos que su raíz profunda es el pecado. Si el hombre, desde Adán y Eva, se hubiera conservado inocente no existiría el dolor ni ningún mal. El padre Pío (San Pío de Pietrelcina) dice, refiriéndose a estas penas:

Joseph réfracte jusqu’à nous la lumière de Jésus

Joseph a exercé sa tâche paternelle dans l’abnégation, à partir d’un double renoncement : en premier lieu, un renoncement à la paternité naturelle vis-à-vis de Jésus qui n’est pas engendré de sa chair ; en second lieu, un renoncement à l’union charnelle vis-à-vis de Marie,

Commenti ai vangeli di domenica 14 marzo 2021

IV di Quaresima IV Domenica di Quaresima Giovanni 9, 1-38b In quel tempo. Passando, il Signore Gesù vide un uomo cieco dalla nascita e i suoi discepoli lo interrogarono: «Rabbì, chi ha peccato, lui o i suoi genitori, perché sia nato cieco?». Rispose Gesù: «Né

Useful Links

Church Teaching Documents Pope Paul VI, Humanae vitae (On Human Life)Pope John Paul II, Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life)CDF, Dignitas personae (Dignity of the Person) Episcopal Resources Bishop James Conley, The Language of LoveArchbishop Charles Chaput ArticlesFrancis Cardinal George Writings Allied Organizations National Catholic

Mullerat: El médico que dejaba dinero bajo la almohada de sus pacientes

Salvador Aragonés - publicado el 23/03/19 Mariano Mullerat fue fusilado durante la guerra civil española por odio a la fe, su hija recuerda sus últimos momentos marcados por el perdón Mariano Mullerat era un médico rural, un hombre querido por su pueblo, por su familia. Ejerció como

A Year dedicated to St Joseph

Go to Joseph By Anne Lastman In his apostolic exhortation “Guardian of the Redeemer” the Holy Father St John Paul II says of St Joseph, “I wish to offer for your consideration, dear brothers and sisters, some reflections concerning him into whose custody God entrusted

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