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Dall’Eucaristia per una società giusta e custode del creato

Francesco Dell’Orco (a cura di)  Dall’Eucaristia per una società giusta e custode del creato Sussidio liturgico-pastorale per l’Anno di approfondimento  della Laudato Si’  2020- 24 maggio- 2021 L’immagine di copertina è della Prof.ssa Arch. Giovanna Basile, che il curatore ringrazia  cordialmente. Ella, che ha voluto

UK: Caring for the Mind, Body and Soul

3rd October The Fifth Annual Catholic Medical Association-UK Youth Conference: SAVE THE DATE! More information to follow soon… Who: for Catholic juniors and students of the healthcare professions aged 18-40Where: St Aloysius’ Catholic Church, Euston, London (COVID-19 restrictions permitting)When: Saturday 3rd October Please register for this

COVID-19 : Comment protéger les autres ?

Cela vous arrive-t-il de vous énerver contre des gens irresponsables, même si vous n’êtes pas concerné personnellement ? Contre des personnes insouciantes ou égoïstes qui sont malades au point d’aller faire le test du Covid 19, qui devraient se tenir en quarantaine, mais continuent de sortir,

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St. Benedict showed what to do in a pandemic

It’s pretty amazing how well some 6th-century principles can guide us today. Click here to launch the slideshow“What will we remember from this time?” asked Pope Francis about the COVID-19 pandemic. “The things that unite us.” At Benedictine College in Kansas, we are dealing with

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Mary the Mother of Jesus and the Assumption

By Anne Lastman In the absence of Annunciation stories, birth stories and infancy narratives in St John’s Gospel the introduction of “the mother of Jesus” (Jn 2:1-12) at the beginning of his public ministry and again at the end of his life on the cross

The Transfiguration, a light brighter than the brightest sun

The Transfiguration (Mt 17:1-13) By Anne Lastman The feast of the Transfiguration is again upon us, (August 6). I personally believe that it is one of our most beautiful feasts in the Catholic calendar and yet very little spoken about it.   I have always understood

Saint Pantaleon – Physician Wonder-Worker

SAINT PANTALEON Physician Wonder-Worker (also known as Panteleemon, Panteleimon) Feast Day: July 27 d. circa 300 Saint Pantaleon is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, known for their efficacious response to prayer, who are especially venerated in France and Germany. Pantaleon’s name in Greek, means

Catholic Health Care and Religious Freedom in the Face of Crisis

July 14, 2020 A Cause for Hope: Catholic Health Care and Religious Freedom in the Face of Crisis Philadelphia, PA- July 14, 2020- Together with Christ Medicus Foundation, The Catholic Medical Association will host “A Cause for Hope: Catholic Health Care and Religious Freedom in the

Centinaia di migliaia di bambini morti per la mancanza di cure

A causa della sospensione dell’assistenza sanitaria dovuta alla pandemia 14 luglio 2020 Osservatore Romano La pandemia di coronavirus continua la sua corsa a livello globale. Il bilancio dei decessi ha superato quota 573.000, secondo quanto emerge dal conteggio della Johns Hopkins University. Allo stesso tempo,

María, Salud de los enfermos

¿María, salud de los enfermos? La bella explicación del obispo Reig de una advocación mariana más actual que nunca Por Javier Lozano -viernes, 10 de julio 202001037 El obispo Reig Pla explica con sencillez y claridad la advocación "María, Salud de los Enfermos" Salus Infirmorum (María, salud de

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