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Aprobada la beatificación del Dr. José Gregorio Hernández

Caracas.- La Congregación para la Causa de los Santos ha promulgado hoy, 19 de junio de 2020, el decreto con la autorización del Papa Francisco para la Beatificación del Venerable Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, lo que hará del médico de los pobres el 4to Beato

¿Qué nos dice hoy el Inmaculado Corazón de María?

Este año se cumplen 50 años desde que se publicase la edición típica del Misal Romano, aprobado por el papa san Pablo VI en 1970, desarrollando así la reforma litúrgica del Concilio Vaticano II. Uno de los cambios introducidos es que la memoria del Inmaculado

Commenti ai Vangeli di Domenica 14 Giugno 2020

In rito ambrosiano alcune parrocchie potrebbero celebrare la II domenica dopo Pentecoste. Altre il Corpus Domini come nel romano.Ambrosiano II Domenica dopo Pentecoste. Matteo 5, 2.43-48In quel tempo. Il Signore Gesù si mise a parlare e insegnava alle folle dicendo: 43 Avete inteso che fu detto:

Pope Francis A Shepherd for our Day

By Anne Lastman The Pope of the 21st century looks out over his billion and half flock and surely must wonder at how different these days are.   As he ponders over his flock, he must at times wonder how he can lead a flock which

¿La Resurrección de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo es un hecho histórico?

Con la palabra "histórico" queremos decir a veces que un hecho es real, que realmente sucedió, pero en un sentido más preciso ¿qué queremos decir cuando decimos que algún acontecimiento del pasado es histórico? Si un hecho ha sucedido ante nuestros ojos no tenemos necesidad

A Time of Waiting

(Photo: Fr Taylor with Dr Walley on the right) A Time of Waiting (Acts 1:8 ff) The Seventh Sunday of Easter A (2020) Boarbank Hall Our Scriptures were written long after the events they record. They are short on details that we later people would

Healing: Blessed are those who mourn

By Anne Lastman We live in a painful moment in society.  Indeed, a time of loneliness, fear, uncertainty.  There is a passing of the old and the grief associated with this passing because of the unknown of the future. Old familiars are disappearing and new

Does the soul exist?

Does the soul exist? Is it immortal? First, we are going to verify that there is something immaterial in man that cannot be identified as being made of any specific matter. The water that flows through our organism isn’t the same today as tomorrow, because

Prayer requests

His Holiness, Pope Francis, requests worldwide prayers during the month of June for: The Way of the Heart: We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. United

Domenica 7 giugno 2020

Trinità (I Domenica dopo Pentecoste) Rito ambrosiano Giovanni 16,12-15 In quel tempo. Il Signore Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Molte cose ho ancora da dirvi, ma per il momento non siete capaci di portarne il peso. Quando verrà lui, lo Spirito della verità, vi guiderà

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