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Renewal of our consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Renewal of the Consecration of Catholic Doctors to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at Banneux Notre Dame, in Belgium, June 21th 2020, by Dr. Bernard Ars, president, before an assembly of more than two hundred faithful. Renouvellement de la consécration des médecins catholiques au Sacré-Coeur

A brief litany to restore health to the sick

Graham Hobster | Pixabay CC0  Philip Kosloski | May 29, 2020 The litany invokes the intercession of St. Augustine of Canterbury, Apostle of England. One powerful intercessor for the sick who isn’t normally invoked is St. Augustine of Canterbury, known as the “Apostle of England.” He was

Corazón de Jesús, fuerza para nuestras fuerzas

Para este mes de junio, el papa Francisco ha propuesto el camino del corazón como su intención de oración evangelizadora, con estas palabras: “Recemos para que aquellos que sufren encuentren caminos de vida, dejándose tocar por el Corazón de Jesús”. Se une así a la

Mons. Suaudeau: Pentecoste Message 2020

in Italian, French, English and Spanish. «Mentre erano chiuse le porte del luogo dove si trovavano i discepoli per timore dei Giudei, venne Gesù, si fermò in mezzo a loro... alitò su di loro e disse "Ricevete lo Spirito Santo". (Giovanni, 20, 19, 23) Dopo

Expert Resources for Reopening Churches, Celebrating Mass

May 28, 2020 Catholic Medical Association (USA) Provides Expert Resources for Reopening Churches, Celebrating Mass Philadelphia, PA- May 27, 2020— The Catholic Medical Association, working with its physician members, continues to provide critical resources to ensure safety as the world navigates through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Included

“VALUES”: a politically correct slogan! Is it sufficient ?

Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D..President of the International Federation of Associations of Catholic Doctors. Version française plus bas "Value" means according to the (French) Robert dictionary, "attribute" under four aspects: the quality of a person, the character of a market good, the interest of a thing,

Covid-19: cosa raccontano i malati a un passo dalla morte che si sono risvegliati?

goodbishop | ShutterstockCondividi237Annalisa Teggi | Mag 28, 2020 La paura, gli attacchi di panico sotto il casco a ossigeno, il terrore di precipitare in un buio irreversibile. Per tutti un momento di coscienza intenso: «Ho rivisto la mia vita, mi sono chiesto se avevo fatto tutto

Preghiera per la XIX Giornata Nazionale del Sollievo

Preghiera per la XIX Giornata Nazionale del Sollievo, 31.5. 2020, solennità di Pentecoste ispirata dal “Messaggio” per la Giornata che si trova in, consultato il 18.05.2020 Curare per guarire è spesso possibile, prendersi cura per il sollievo è sempre possibile O Spirito di consiglio, 

Road Map to Re-Opening Our Catholic Churches Safely

Ad Hoc Committee of Catholic Doctors May 2020 Dr. John Lane is Vice President of FIAMC

Hong Kong: Resumption of Public Masses

DIOCESAN PASTORAL GUIDELINES ON THE RESUMPTION OF PUBLIC MASSES On the basis of the latest relaxed “Group Gathering” measures of the Government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic [see Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2020] as announced on

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