Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Les fraternités de médecin

Les fraternités de médecins rassemblent, par petits groupes d’au maximum 10 personnes, médecins et internes en médecine d’un même secteur géographique. Animées par un médecin membre de la communauté de l’Emmanuel, une rencontre est proposée tous les deux mois, de septembre à juin pour échanger et partager,

Preparing for reopening

(Top photo: FIAMC) Hello and welcome! This Sunday, we offered our Mass for the Sixth Sunday of Easter for healthcare workers — doctors, nurses, support staff, those who do the cleaning and provide services — all of those who are really putting their lives at

Coronavirus: a common prayer

Deliver us from evil! Coronavirus, CCEE and COMECE Presidents raise a common prayer to God In response to the difficult time communities all over the world are facing due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak, H.Em. Card. Angelo Bagnasco and H.Em. Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, respectively

COVID-19 & Sacraments

SPIRITUAL CARE IN A TIME OF PANDEMIC At the request of bishops, a working group of infectious disease experts, medical professionals, scientists, and Catholic theologians has developed detailed guidance for how Catholic sacraments could be provided in the midst of the current pandemic, in accord

«Perché tu possa raccontare e fissare nella memoria»

«Perché tu possa raccontare e fissare nella memoria» (Es 10,2). La vita si fa storia Orazione ispirata dal Messaggio del Santo Padre Papa Francesco -datato 24.1.2020- per la Giornata Mondiale delle Comunicazioni Sociali O Dio, Uno e Trino, Padre, Figlio, Spirito Santo,  Ti ringraziamo

Domenica 24 maggio ’20: Ascensione del Signore

Domenica 24 maggio ’20 Ascensione del Signore Rito ambrosiano. In questa prima domenica di gioia per la ripresa delle celebrazioni, potreste trovare la celebrazione della messa dell’Ascensione oppure della VII domenica del tempo pasquale. Questo perché a Milano l’Ascensione si è celebrata questo giovedì passato,

How to return to Mass safely

Dr. Thomas McGovern May 21, 2020 Mike Decker of Nashville, Tenn., applies an electrostatic disinfectant at Christ the King Church May 15, 2020. (CNS photo/Rick Musacchio, Tennessee Register) The feast of St. Joseph, March 19, was the last day for public Masses in any diocese in

Morning of Reflection on Life in the Spirit

May 21, 2020 We hope many of our members will be able to participate in a Morning of Reflection on Life in the Spirit presented by Father Christopher Kubat, M.D. This will be a live webinar on Saturday morning May 30, the eve of Pentecost,

¡Protege tu Iglesia!

Catholic Doctors: Sacraments are essential!

Catholic doctors behind new ‘road map’ to reopening churches say sacraments are essential Pablo Kay | Angelus NewsMay 18, 2020  Mike Decker of Nashville, Tenn., applies an electrostatic disinfectant at Christ the King Church May 15, 2020. (CNS photo/Rick Musacchio, Tennessee Register) A blue-ribbon panel of Catholic

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