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‘Novena del Fiat’ al Beato Dr. Pere Tarrés

El próximo 30 de mayo, como es habitual, celebraremos con mucha alegría la fiesta del Beato Pere Tarrés y Claret, médico y sacerdote de nuestra diócesis. Sin lugar a dudas, Mn. Pere Tarrés es uno de nuestros beatos más queridos, y su obra nos marca

Holy Communion: distribution on the tongue?

March 14, 2020 Coronavirus & Celebrating Mass As Coronavirus continues to spread across the United States, the Catholic Medical Association has called on its infectious disease specialists to compile some best practices to consider for celebrating Mass and preventing the spread of the disease (see below). COVID-19,

Beatified medical students

MEDICAL STUDENTS By Dr. Richard Watson Past President Catholic Medical Association (USA) Blessed Benedetta Bianchi Porro  - a medical student who heroically continued her studies while facing the challenge of a progressive, ultimately fatal neurological disease.   Daughter of Guido Bianchi Porro and Elsa Giammarchi, the

Pandemic: The public celebration of Worship

THE PUBLIC CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP: OVERVIEW OF THE MEASURES TAKEN IN EUROPE In Europe, some countries have never banned public worship and others have already reinstated it or plan to do so very soon. Out of the 15 countries we have been able to observe,

USA Catholic Doctors: Road Map to Reopening all Churches

May 14, 2020 Road Map to Reopening our Churches Road map to reopening our churchesDownloadFacebookTwitterCompartir Categorised in: Education

VI del tempo di Pasqua e X di digiuno eucaristico

Domenica 17 maggio 2020 In queste domeniche in cui si legge Giovanni, vale la pena di meditare su entrambi i testi romano e ambrosiano, si completano. Rito ambrosiano Giovanni 14, 25-29 In quel tempo. Il Signore Gesù disse ai discepoli: «Vi ho detto queste cose

Pascua del enfermo 2020

Con el lema “Acompañar en la soledad” este próximo domingo, 17 de mayo, la Iglesia celebra la Pascua del Enfermo. Hemos hablado con dos personas muy ligadas a la Pastoral de la Salud en nuestra Diócesis, Sonia Cabanas, de la Unidad Pastoral (UP) Sestao, que colabora en las tareas que tienen que ver

Saints who battled mental illness

Public Domain  Share 13 Meg Hunter-Kilmer | May 16, 2020 Those who suffer aren’t in any way less holy than those who don’t. With the stigma surrounding mental illness, many Christians feel quite sure that their mental health struggles are a result of their own sin, calling depression

La testimonianza del medico di Lourdes

Chiuso per due mesi a causa della pandemia da coronavirus, il Santuario di Lourdes riaprirà i battenti questo sabato, ma solo per i singoli pellegrini provenienti dalla regione, per una distanza massima di 100 km. Nuove anche le regole: le visite saranno possibili solo nel

Saints for the COVID epidemic

SPECIAL SAINTS FOR THE CORONAVIRUS EPIDEMIC By Dr. Richard Watson Past President Catholic Medical Association (USA) 14 May, is the Memorial for  SAINT CORONA. The name of this second-century martyr has gained recent attention because of a fortuitous link between her name and that of

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