Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Sobre la apertura de lugares de culto durante la epidemia

Dictamen sobre la apertura y acceso de lugares de culto durante la epidemia del Covid-19 Cita textual:( «Nos han llegado a e-Cristians, diversas consultas de rectores de parroquias sobre intervenciones de la Policia Municipal o los Mossos que limitaban su labor. Por su interés, adjuntamos

Mary of Magdala

By Anne Lastman “What did Mary Magdalene do?”  Was a question posed during Easter week, “to be received into the realm of saints within the Catholic Church?” The litany of her “doings” is there in the Gospels to be read.  Mary Magdalene is mentioned in

Que pourrait changer le coronavirus dans l’Église ?

Corinne SIMON/CIRICPartager15Jean Duchesne | 14 avril 2020 Le confinement fait découvrir la « téléreligion » en plus du télétravail. Il y a des avantages, mais aussi des risques et l’enjeu n’est peut-être pas négligeable. La célébration de la Semaine sainte sans aller à l’église laissera des

Coronavirus: What should Catholics do?

WANG ZHAO | AFPShare 2kSilvia Costantini | Mar 05, 2020 Advice from infectious disease expert and deacon Tim Flanigan. As the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to infect more and more people around the world, and while science seeks to find a way to curb the spread of

Christus resurgit! Paschae felix!

The Presidency of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations wishes you Christ is risen! Happy Easter! Le Christ est ressuscité! Joyeuses Pâques! Cristo è risorto! Buona Pasqua! ¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡Felices Pascuas! Cristo ressuscitou! Feliz Páscoa! Christus ist auferstanden! Frohe Ostern! Christus is opgestaan!

Orazione dinanzi alla Sindone

PREGHIERA ISPIRATA DALLA LETTERA DEL SANTO PADRE FRANCESCO IN OCCASIONE DELL'OSTENSIONE SRAORDINARIA DELLA SINDONE, DATATA 9.4.2020 The Shroud of Turin O Gesù, che nella Tua Passione hai realizzato i tratti del Servo del Signore, duramente provati dalla pandemia di coronavirus, sostiamo in silenzio orante dinanzi

Todo pasará

Viviendo esta Semana Santa especial por la pandemia del coronavirus me atrevo a escribir esta reflexión. Tengo la esperanza de poder seguir con nuestras actividades cotidianas y nuestras relaciones sociales y de amistad cuando todo se acabe. Todos tenemos la ilusión de vivir la cercanía

Without words…

(Photo FIAMC)

President Ars: on the coronavirus pandemic

Message from president Bernard Ars about the Corona pandemic. Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French version: see below. My Dear Colleagues,Dear Friends, In these very difficult moments of the coronavirus pandemic, I would like to say a few words to assure you of my solidarity and my prayer, as well

Easter Message 2020 – “He saw and believed” (John 20:8)

Message of our Ecclesiastical Assistant Mgr. Jacques Suaudeau in English, French, Italian In the early morning of Easter Day, when Mary Magdalene had just announced that the body of the Lord had been stolen, while the Apostle Peter had enter the empty tomb, saw the

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