Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Coronavirus: Prayer Resources

16. MAR, 2020 The following prayers and resources are offered to assist the faithful during the threat of the coronavirus: Pope Francis’ Prayer to Mary during the coronavirus pandemic  O Mary,you always shine on our pathas a sign of salvation and of hope.We entrust ourselves

Pere Tarrés, médico de guerra

Pere Tarrés i Claret nace el 30 de mayo de 1905 en Manresa, provincia de Barcelona, Cataluña (España).Sus padres Francesc Tarrés Puigdellívol y Carme Claret Masats eran creyentes y ejemplares; tienen otras dos hijas, Francisca y María. Pere es bautizado el 4 de junio en

Domenica 22 marzo (digiuno della Santa Messa)

Foto FIAMC Domenica 22 marzo 2020 IV di Quaresima testo uguale per ambrosiano e romano Giovanni 9, 1-41 In quel tempo, Gesù 1passando, vide un uomo cieco dalla nascita 2e i suoi discepoli lo interrogarono: «Rabbì, chi ha peccato, lui o i suoi genitori, perché sia nato

Reconciliation and Indulgence in the current pandemic

Decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary on the granting of special Indulgences to the faithful in the current pandemic, 20.03.2020 The gift of special Indulgences is granted to the faithful suffering from COVID-19 disease, commonly known as Coronavirus, as well as to health care workers, family

Prière du malade pour ses médecins

Marie Noël (1883 - 1967) Notes intimes, Editions Stock, Paris 1995 Ayez Pitié, mon Dieu, de ceux qui se sont chargés de la croix des autres, de ceux qui se sont faits sauveurs. Sauveur de tous donnez au médecin la LUMIÈRE. Eclairez-le dans l''obscurité d'autrui

Hombres de fe y ciencia

Hombres de fe y ciencia contra las epidemias: 5 católicos hispanos que hay que conocer y apreciar Alfonso V. Carrascosa / ReL 19 marzo 2020 Ciencia y feHistorias de vocación Vivimos tiempos recios. El COVID19 ha puesto contra las cuerdas a una sociedad aparentemente invulnerable…

Dr. Deschepper: Guérison de Rudder a Lourdes

LA GUERISON SPECTACULAIRE DE PIERRE DE RUDDER  LE 7 AVRIL 1875, UN RAPPEL DE CET EVENEMENT UNIQUE.  Dr. PAUL DESCHEPPER  Past President FEAMC Mes grand-parents, habitant à Stalhille lez Jabbeke m’ont conté pour la première fois l’histoire de Pierre De Rudder. Cette histoire m’a toujours

Chi ci separerà?

La forza della scienza e la forza della fede di Roberto Colombo, docente alla Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore  di Milano e membro della Pontificia Accademia per la Vita. La malattia che si sta diffondendo nel nostro Paese e

Religion, law and COVID-19 emergency WHY THIS SITE? The health emergency caused by the contagious virus SARS-CoV-2 is having many consequences also on religious rules – more broadly for the difficulties raising from the possible contradiction between the respect for the measures taken by civil authorities and religious rules.

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Coronavirus: oración a San Roque

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