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Meditazione per la settimana santa

Cari amici Siamo entrati nella settimana santa 2020, che si presenta spogliata di molte cose tra cui quella più visibile per i cristiani è la spogliazione delle celebrazioni pasquali. Ma siamo spogliati anche di tante altre cose essenziali: per i fratelli e le sorelle morte,

Chemin de croix proposé

Chemin de croix proposé en cette période de crise sanitaire Covid-19 En cette période bouleversée par cette crise sanitaire inédite, les jours saints de la Passion du Seigneur prennent une connotation particulière. Chemin de croix proposé en cette période de crise sanitaire Covid-19 INTRODUCTION « Moi,

Pastoral measures in connection with the pandemic

PASTORAL MEASURES IN CONNECTION WITH THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC The Covid-19 pandemic is getting worse, with the number of confirmed cases globally approaching 500,000, and the death toll exceeding 20,000, and a large number of newly confirmed cases every day. A week ago, a lot of

Palm Sunday 2020

                                                                                    Saint Matthew’s Passion Published with permission to FIAMC This year because of the coronavirus crisis all processions are forbidden in the Holy Land also. Normally on this day in Jerusalem the local Latin-rite Christians and

Domenica delle Palme 2020 (digiuno della Santa Messa)

Domenica 5 aprile 2020 Domenica delle Palme Rito ambrosiano Messa per la benedizione delle palme Giovanni 12, 12-16 Foto FIAMC Press Services In quel tempo.La grande folla che era venuta per la festa, udito che Gesù veniva a Gerusalemme, prese dei rami di palme e

Macau: Directrizes Especiais / Special Arrangements

Cúria Diocesana Directrizes Especiais para Liturgias Paroquiais de 22 de Março até Semana Santa e Páscoa Para o benefício espiritual dos fiéis e em cooperação com as medidas contínuas de prevenção de infecções da comunidade, até novo aviso, a Diocese está a implementar o seguinte:

A votive Mass “in time of pandemic”

A votive Mass “in time of pandemic” and a new prayer for Good Friday The Congregation for Divine Worship adds an intention to the Solemn Intercessions during the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion and proposes a votive Mass taking into consideration the crisis in which

Renewed page Faith & Prayer on the FIAMC website

Content: Consécration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus -2019Prière du Médecin Catholique – Prayer of the Catholic DoctorOther PrayersPromesse du Médecin Catholique – Promis of the Catholic Doctor50 answers to religious questions the man in the street has (English / Espagnol)Catholic AnswersCatechism of the Catholic

Catechism: Dying in Christ Jesus

II. Dying in Christ Jesus 1005 To rise with Christ, we must die with Christ: we must "be away from the body and at home with the Lord."562 In that "departure" which is death the soul is separated from the body.563 It will be reunited with the

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Prayers for Health Workers

Prayers of the Faithful for the Heroic Health Workers on the Frontline of COVID-19 Fight 29 March 2020 In response to the call for prayers today, 29 March 2020, by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) for the country’s medical frontliners against the

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