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Digiuno della Santa Messa

Domenica 8 marzo 2020 II di quaresima e di digiuno della santa Messa, che dovrebbe accrescere il nostro desiderio di parteciparvi. Rito Ambrosiano Domenica della Samaritana Giovanni 4, 5-42         Giunse così a una città della Samaria chiamata Sicar, vicina al terreno che Giacobbe aveva dato

Masses suspended in Hong Kong and Singapore

PASTORAL LETTER ON COVID-19 - SUSPENSION OF MASSES AND LARGE GATHERINGS  My dear People of God, Over the past weeks, we have provided medical and public health advisories to minimize the risk of a cluster outbreak of the COVID-19 among our congregations and priests.    We

On Human Trafficking

HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND THE CATHOLIC HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL By Dr. Richard Watson Past President CMA-USA His Holiness Pope Francis is urging Christians all over the world to join together in prayer, during this month of February in particular, against the evil of human trafficking. “Listen to the

The Message of our Lady of Lourdes

We call «Message of Lourdes» the gestures and words that were exchanged between Virgin Mary and Bernadette Soubirous, at the Grotto of Massabielle, during the time of the eighteen apparitions. This message can be heard as: God is love and he loves us as we

Aprobado el milagro del Dr. José Gregorio Hernández

DECLARACIÓN OFICIAL DEL VICEPOSTULADOR DE LA CAUSA DE BEATIFICACIÓN Y CANONIZACIÓN DEL VENERABLE DR. JOSÉ GREGORIO HERNÁNDEZ CISNEROS El Obispo Auxiliar de Caracas y Vicepostulador de la Causa de Beatificación y Canonización del Venerable Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros, Mons. Tulio Ramírez, dio a conocer

St. John’s Prologue

From the full homily available here. "The Prologue to John’s Gospel describes Jesus as "full of grace and truth"[…] "He dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth" (1:14). This

Hail Mary!

Hail Mary full of grace The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women And blessed is the fruit of your womb.......Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God  Pray for us sinners, now And at the hour of our death...........Amen. Immaculate Conception - Prado  Hail

Attitude pastorale face à la pratique du suicide assisté

Conférence des évêques suisses Orientations pastorales face à la pratique du suicide assisté, adoptés au terme de leur Assemblée plénière (2-4 décembre 2019). Assister les malades n’est pas une option dans l’agir du chrétien. L’Église est appelée à se rendre présente auprès des personnes souffrantes

Card. Parolin on Religion and Medical Ethics; Palliative Care and Elderly Mental Health

Sala stampa della Santa Sede Pubblichiamo di seguito il Messaggio che il Segretario di Stato, l’ Card. Pietro Parolin, ha inviato questa mattina, per l’apertura dei lavori, al Presidente della Pontificia Accademia per la Vita, S.E. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, e ai partecipanti al Simposio Internazionale

Acoger, proteger y acompañar en la etapa final de esta vida

El presidente de la Subcomisión Episcopal para la Familia y Defensa de la Vida y obispo de Bilbao, Mons. Mario Iceta, presenta el miércoles 4 de diciembre de 2019 el documento “Sembradores de esperanza. Acoger, proteger y acompañar en la etapa final de esta vida”. Le han acompañado en

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