Coronavirus: D. Francesco Dell´Orco (Gemelli)
Preghiera nel tempo del Coronavirus (COVID-19) O Dio Padre di tutti, che sei al di sopra di tutti, agisci per mezzo di tutti e sei presente in tutti, insidiati a livello mondiale dal Coronavirus, con confidenza filiale ricorriamo a Te: accresci la nostra fede! Ti
Amid pandemic…
Amid pandemic, health care professionals find support, strength in faith Tom TracyMar 25, 2020 CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE A health care worker in Seattle holds some of the thousands of masks that have been donated March 22, 2020, by community members for the protection against the
Francesco prega per i medici e i sacerdoti morti
Francesco prega per i medici e i sacerdoti morti per assistere i malati di coronavirus Nella Messa del mattino a Santa Marta il Papa ringrazia i medici, gli infermieri e i sacerdoti impegnati nell'assistenza ai malati di Covid-19: un esempio di eroismo. Nell'omelia ha messo
USA bishops Respond to Coronavirus
USCCB Responds to Coronavirus Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the following regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19): With the worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus, we are confronted once more with the fragility of our lives, and
Extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing
Pope announces extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing At the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis invited all Christians to join together in praying the Our Father as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic. By Christopher Wells (Vatican News) Pope Francis on Sunday called for all Christians to respond
Clergy and Church-member Tips
#ProtectYourPastor Dr. Lisa Gilbert Dear fellow Christians, I would like to provide specific advice to pastors and other church-members for providing spiritual and physical care to suffering persons with COVID-19. None of this advice supersedes direction by your Church leaders or by the CDC or
Coronavirus: Prayer Resources
16. MAR, 2020 The following prayers and resources are offered to assist the faithful during the threat of the coronavirus: Pope Francis’ Prayer to Mary during the coronavirus pandemic O Mary,you always shine on our pathas a sign of salvation and of hope.We entrust ourselves
Pere Tarrés, médico de guerra
Pere Tarrés i Claret nace el 30 de mayo de 1905 en Manresa, provincia de Barcelona, Cataluña (España).Sus padres Francesc Tarrés Puigdellívol y Carme Claret Masats eran creyentes y ejemplares; tienen otras dos hijas, Francisca y María. Pere es bautizado el 4 de junio en
Domenica 22 marzo (digiuno della Santa Messa)
Foto FIAMC Domenica 22 marzo 2020 IV di Quaresima testo uguale per ambrosiano e romano Giovanni 9, 1-41 In quel tempo, Gesù 1passando, vide un uomo cieco dalla nascita 2e i suoi discepoli lo interrogarono: «Rabbì, chi ha peccato, lui o i suoi genitori, perché sia nato