Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Francis: to encourage the nativity scene in the workplace, in schools, hospitals…

APOSTOLIC LETTER-Admirabile signum-OF THE HOLY FATHERFRANCISON THE MEANING AND IMPORTANCE OF THE NATIVITY SCENE 1. The enchanting image of the Christmas crèche, so dear to the Christian people, never ceases to arouse amazement and wonder. The depiction of Jesus’ birth is itself a simple and


Photo: FIAMC Press Services

Forum of Catholic NGOs: Plenary meeting (Dec 5-7, 2019)

Health “The demands of the common good are dependent on the social conditions of each historical period and are strictly connected to respect for and the integral promotion of the person and his fundamental rights. These demands concern above all the commitment to peace, the

Building Bridges through Healing and Spirituality – President Bernard Ars

Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D..Spheres of care, medicine and biology, biomedical environments today have a certain craze for spiritual resources as therapeutic agents.Spirituality can not, however, be considered as belonging to the field of psychology, or even to that of therapy.Nor is spirituality synonymous with religious.

Para saber más y vivir mejor…

Mons. José Luis Redrado Hace tiempo  sugerí la lectura  sobre temas de Vida Consagrada: futuro, esperanza, mediaciones, liderazgo… Ahora os sugiero la lectura de los siguientes libros  de gran actualidad: ¿Quieres saber algo sobre Redes sociales y adiciones?      “DESCONECTA”, de Marc Masip, Editorial planeta 2018

Si le linceul est vrai…

mardi 05 novembre 2019- Si le linceul est vrai, alors ce que nous rapportent les Évangiles sur la Résurrection aussi est vrai Du site de La Nef : Linceul de Turin : un support objectif pour la foi ? Le linceul de Turin demeure une pièce

¿Qué es la Pastoral de la Salud?

Pastoral de la salud es presencia y acción de un ministerio eclesial relación de ayuda, específico, entusiasta, encarnado, capacitado, iluminativo, celebrativo, creativo y organizado, inspirado por el Espíritu Santo, realizado en nombre del Señor Jesús, buen samaritano y Salvador, que expresa el amor misericordioso del Padre. Ministerio llevado

Saint Luke / Lettera a Luca

SAINT LUKE Pro-Life Physician and Evangelist--- Feast day: 18 October By Dr Richard A. Watson Saint Luke, the Evangelist, was a Greek doctor; he was called “Our Beloved Luke, the Physician” by the peripatetic Saint Paul of Tarsus (Col. 4:14). Evidence of Saint Luke’s medical

To Hold the Hand…. Euthanasia…Assisted Suicide

Anne Lastman. Because of the lack of respect for life in its genesis, there is now a global push for legalization for the premature disposal of life at the end. Euthanasia and or assisted suicide.   Euthanasia simply means an earlier death than would be

FIAMC President Bernard Ars decorated

During the annual Symposium of the Belgian Catholic Medical Association of Saint Luke, Dr. Bernard Ars, outgoing president of the Belgian Society and current president of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) received, from the hands of the Belgian Archbishop, Cardinal Jozef De

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