Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Epiphany 2011/2019

THE MAGI (MT 2:1-12)  (Picture: Fr Taylor and Dr Walley) As we may recall the Magi were painted on the front of the basilica in Bethlehem, and because of which it was not destroyed by the Persians in 614 AD. When the Moslems invaded Palestine

La guarigione spettacolare di Pieter de Rudder

LA GUARIGIONE SPETTACOLARE DI PIETER DE RUDDER IL 7 APRILE 1875: UNA RIVISITA DI QUESTO EVENTO UNICO Dr. Paul Deschepper Già Presidente della FEAMC Traduzione: Kathelijne Bonne, Maria Michelino. I miei nonni, Petrus Deschepper (° 1861, +1943) e Ludovica-Maria De Soete (1862, +1946), di Stalhille

Happy Advent!

Dear Denver Guild, First we will send out a an official invitation, but our Christmas Party will be December 15th from 1-3:30pm at St. Thomas More. It will be a potluck with activities for the kids and music so please feel free to come with

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El pobre gritó y el Señor lo escuchó

El pobre gritó y el Señor lo escuchó Por segundo año consecutivo, celebramos la Jornada Mundial de los Pobres, convocada para toda la Iglesia por el Santo Padre. Este año tendrá lugar el domingo 18 de noviembre. Conviene que vayamos preparando nuestro corazón para que

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El Dr. Marià Mullerat, mártir por su Fé

La Iglesia reconoció el martirio del laico y padre de familia Mariano Mullerat i Soldevila, asesinado durante la Guerra Civil Española el 13 de agosto de 1936 en el lugar de El Pla, perteneciente a la localidad de Arbeca. El Papa Francisco firmó el miércoles

San Pablo VI, el hambre y la FAO

San Pablo VI, el hambre y la FAO Mañana, domingo, en una solemne ceremonia en la Plaza de San Pedro del Vaticano, el papa Pablo VI será canonizado, junto con Monseñor Romero y otros cinco insignes heraldos de la caridad (Francesco Spinelli y Vincenzo Romano,

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Pope Francis on Thou shalt not kill

Pope at General Audience: welcome life as God’s gift Pope Francis continues his catechesis on the Commandments during Wednesday’s General Audience saying that welcoming life as God’s gift corrects a vision of life interpreted as a problem to be eliminated. By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis,

The good example of White Masses

Hi folks, The White Mass registration is about to close. We will need to know by October 11th to alert catering. Also, a great last minute date night idea as well ;). Another reason to attend is that Adam Bartlett, I renowned composer and conductor

Pope: No aid institution can replace human compassion

Pope: No aid institution can replace human compassion In an address to the participants of the IV Seminar on Ethics in Health, Pope Francis stresses the importance of forming a bond of profound humanity between health workers and their patients. By Francesca Merlo Pope Francis

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The Healing of Pieter de Rudder

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