Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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A medical community must defended life

3 July 1983 To the Roman Hospital of San Camillo On Sunday afternoon, 3 July, the Holy Father celebrated a Liturgy of the Word during a visit to the Roman Hospital of San Camillo.  After a reading from the Gospel of St. Luke the Holy

Catholic doctors requires a superior witness

3 October 1982 To the participants in the XV International Congress of Catholic Doctors In the late afternoon of Sunday, 3 October, the Holy Father met the participants in the Fifteenth International Congress of Catholic Doctors in the Auditorium of the Palazzo Pio on Via

Suffering can enrich the individual and the whole church

28 May 1982 To the sick in Southwark Cathedral After meeting Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace in the afternoon of 28 May, the Holy Father presided at a para-liturgical ceremony for the sick in Southwark Cathedral.  During the long and moving meeting with the

Complete dedication to defence of health and human life

20 December 1981 To the personnel of the new Regina Margherita Hospital in Trastevere On Sunday, 20 December, the holy Father paid a visit to the new Regina Margherita Hospital in Trastevere. In the course of the visit he delivered the following address: Beloved Brothers

Incomparable efficacy of suffering for implementing plan of salvation

24 May 1981 Regina Caeli message of Sunday, 24 May On Sunday, 24 May, thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the customary Marian prayer. Although they knew the Holy Father would not appear at his window, they had come to pray with

“I have pardoned him”

17 May 1981 Regina Caeli  message of Sunday, 17 May Thousands of people crowded St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, 17 May, to hear the Holy Father’s “Regina Caeli” message which had previously been recorded at his bedside in the “Gemelli” Hospital. The text of the

Declaration on Sexual Ethics (1975)

SACRED CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH PERSONA HUMANA DECLARATION ON CERTAIN QUESTIONS CONCERNING SEXUAL ETHICS I According to contemporary scientific research, the human person is so profoundly affected by sexuality that it must be considered as one of the factors which give to

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