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Altars of Honour

Anne Lastman The moment woman symbolically “burned her bra” (1968) she said, “I will not give hospitality to this stranger in my body.” That moment also became the moment that she opened the door for the demon lust to enter into her being. Promiscuity became

¿Tiene Dios un corazón?

Si la inteligencia de los hombres procede de Dios, hemos de afirmar que Él es inteligentísimo. Si la belleza procede de Dios, que es bellísimo. Y si el amor más noble que se da en la persona humana viene también del Creador, podemos colegir que

The Nature of Fatherhood and Sonship

Trinity Sunday 2024                                                                                    

I praise Him in my work and try to adhere to the commandments

Thursday 20th June 2024 Analise D Mello MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB Thank you for all the love, prayers and loads of good wishes. I thank Mark for being kind enough to cover for me for the days I was not available. When I read today’s

Saint Charbel, le médecin du Ciel qui ne chôme pas !

vendredi 22 décembre 2023 Mireille Haj-Chahine Statue et icône en mosaïque de Saint Charbel au monastère de Saint Maron à Annaya, Liban. (c) Sel + Lumière Média, 2023Fidèle à Dieu, je tiens à faire connaître à ceux et celles qui m’entourent l’émerveillement de Sa gloire,

Preghiera per il Medico di Famiglia

Preghiera per il Medico di Famiglia[1] O Dio Padre tenerissimo, Ti ringraziamo per il dono del nostro medico di famiglia. Benedicilo, illuminalo e fortificalo con i doni del Tuo Santo Spirito perché, seguendo l’esempio del Tuo Figlio Gesù, Medico dei corpi e delle anime,  si

Corpus Domini

Domenica 2 giugno 2024 SS. Corpo e Sangue di Cristo Il Vangelo è uguale per i due riti: romano e ambrosiano Marco 14, 12-16. 22-26 12 Il primo giorno degli Azzimi, quando si immolava la Pasqua, i suoi discepoli dissero al Signore Gesù: “Dove vuoi che

Concilio, Papas y Tradición

Los Papas S. Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI han insistido y proclamado que la recta interpretación del Concilio Vaticano II ha de ser en armonía con la Tradición y no en ruptura. Del mismo modo, la interpretación de la doctrina enseñada por el Papa

May 29: Saint Paul VI

(FIAMC Pictures) Saint Paul VI’s Story Born near Brescia in northern Italy, Giovanni Battista Montini was the second of three sons. His father, Giorgio, was a lawyer, editor, and eventually a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. His mother, Giuditta, was very involved in

Pursuing Mental Health as a Catholic

By Bishop James Conley WHAT WE NEED NOWMAY 21, 2024 My Story of Pursuing Mental HealthSince my conversion to the Catholic Church in college, I have always known my total dependence on God, recognizing this as a defining feature of the human condition. I believed

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