Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Saint John Paul II – October 22

    Photos: FIAMC Press Services O Saint John Paul, grant us your blessing from Heaven’s window! Bless the Church which you have loved, served and guided, encouraging her to walk the roads of the world, so to carry Jesus to everyone, and everyone to Jesus. Bless

      FRANCE : 13e Rassemblement Emmanuel Médecins : « La mort : échec ou espérance ? »

      Emmanuel Médecins vous invite à la 13ème édition de ce rassemblement international pour les médecins chirurgiens étudiants en médecine et leurs conjoints qui aura lieu à Paray le Monial, France (Bourgogne), les 10, 11 et 12 mars 2023. Le thème de cette année : «

        Catéchisme de la vie spirituelle – Card. Robert Sarah

        La FIAMC recommande / FIAMC recommends «  Il m’a semblé que l’éclipse de Dieu dans nos sociétés post-modernes, la crise des valeurs humaines et morales fondamentales et ses répercussions jusque dans l’Église, où l’on constate la confusion au sujet de la vérité divinement révélée, la

        St.Raphael Prayer for Healing

          Invitation for the renewal of our Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

          This month of June, I cordially invite all catholics who practice medicine, to renew their consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as we did in Rome, 2019. "The consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus of catholics who practice medicine is a means and

            La esperanza en la encíclica “Fratelli Tutti”

            La esperanza es la actitud que mejor describe la invitación que nos hace, cada año, el Adviento. En estos momentos, históricamente marcados por las múltiples crisis asociadas a la pandemia de coronavirus, quizá sea la esperanza lo que más intensamente necesitamos y aquello que con más cuidado debemos cultivar.

              Coronavirus: a common prayer

              Deliver us from evil! Coronavirus, CCEE and COMECE Presidents raise a common prayer to God In response to the difficult time communities all over the world are facing due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak, H.Em. Card. Angelo Bagnasco and H.Em. Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, respectively

                Preghiera nel contesto della pandemia

                (Foto FIAMC) Preghiera nel contesto della pandemia del Covid-19, ispirata dal Messaggio di Pasqua di Mons. Bruno Marie Duffé, Segretario del Dicastero per il Servizio dello Sviluppo Umano Integrale, datato 11.04.2020 O Dio, Padre tenerissimo, Creatore del cielo e della terra, Tu non abbandoni nessuno

                  Prayer to Saint John Paul II (15 years)

                  (Photo: Grzegorz Galazka) O Saint John Paul, grant us your blessing from Heaven’s window! Bless the Church which you have loved, served and guided, encouraging her to walk the roads of the world, so to carry Jesus to everyone, and everyone to Jesus. Bless the

                    Francesco prega per i medici e i sacerdoti morti

                    Francesco prega per i medici e i sacerdoti morti per assistere i malati di coronavirus Nella Messa del mattino a Santa Marta il Papa ringrazia i medici, gli infermieri e i sacerdoti impegnati nell'assistenza ai malati di Covid-19: un esempio di eroismo. Nell'omelia ha messo

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