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    Pursuing Mental Health as a Catholic

    By Bishop James Conley WHAT WE NEED NOWMAY 21, 2024 My Story of Pursuing Mental HealthSince my conversion to the Catholic Church in college, I have always known my total dependence on God, recognizing this as a defining feature of the human condition. I believed

      Poesía para vencer a la muerte

      Sobre el autor Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga Salamanca (Madrid, 1960) es profesor de Lengua Española, en la Facultad de Comunicación, Educación y Humanidades, de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, de Barcelona, donde es rector desde 2019. Doctor en Filología por la Universidad Complutense. Presidente de la Asociación Española

        Dementia- a Withdrawal

        Anne Lastman. The word dementia in all its connotations brings terror to the being but a human being is a spiritual being who has experienced a human life with all its joys and vicissitudes and has now reached the end of that human experience and

          Healing: Blessed are those who mourn

          By Anne Lastman We live in a painful moment in society.  Indeed, a time of loneliness, fear, uncertainty.  There is a passing of the old and the grief associated with this passing because of the unknown of the future. Old familiars are disappearing and new

            Attitude pastorale face à la pratique du suicide assisté

            Conférence des évêques suisses Orientations pastorales face à la pratique du suicide assisté, adoptés au terme de leur Assemblée plénière (2-4 décembre 2019). Assister les malades n’est pas une option dans l’agir du chrétien. L’Église est appelée à se rendre présente auprès des personnes souffrantes

              Card. Parolin on Religion and Medical Ethics; Palliative Care and Elderly Mental Health

              Sala stampa della Santa Sede Pubblichiamo di seguito il Messaggio che il Segretario di Stato, l’ Card. Pietro Parolin, ha inviato questa mattina, per l’apertura dei lavori, al Presidente della Pontificia Accademia per la Vita, S.E. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, e ai partecipanti al Simposio Internazionale

                Acoger, proteger y acompañar en la etapa final de esta vida

                El presidente de la Subcomisión Episcopal para la Familia y Defensa de la Vida y obispo de Bilbao, Mons. Mario Iceta, presenta el miércoles 4 de diciembre de 2019 el documento “Sembradores de esperanza. Acoger, proteger y acompañar en la etapa final de esta vida”. Le han acompañado en

                  To Hold the Hand…. Euthanasia…Assisted Suicide

                  Anne Lastman. Because of the lack of respect for life in its genesis, there is now a global push for legalization for the premature disposal of life at the end. Euthanasia and or assisted suicide.   Euthanasia simply means an earlier death than would be

                    FIAMC President Bernard Ars decorated

                    During the annual Symposium of the Belgian Catholic Medical Association of Saint Luke, Dr. Bernard Ars, outgoing president of the Belgian Society and current president of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) received, from the hands of the Belgian Archbishop, Cardinal Jozef De

                      Wither/Whither Catholic Health Care?

                      Statement of the MaterCare International Conference Rome, 2019 INTRODUCTION: From September 18th to September 22nd, 2019, a group of international participants in the fields of medicine and ethics gathered at the Istituto Maria SS Bambina in Rome to cover matters of interest to the medical

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