Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Suffering strengthens hope

19 December 1993 To the staff and patients of the Umberto I Hospital in Rome On Sunday, 19 December, the Holy Father visited the staff and patients of the Umberto I Hospital in Rome.  Recalling the centenary of the foundation of the hospital, the Holy

Suffering enables us to grow in hope and spiritual maturity

21 June 1992 To the people of Cremona At Cremona's Ospedale Maggiore Mr. Mayor, Distinguished Authorities, Dear Sick People and Health-care Workers, Dear Brothers and Sisters of the city of Cremona, 1.I offer my deferential, cordial greeting to all. I am very grateful to Mr.

Mystery and message of the cross: the redemptive value of suffering

10 March 1991 To the sick at the Ophthalmic Hospital in Rome 1.Praised be Jesus Christ! I thank Dr. Muzzi, the Health-Care director, for the kind words of welcome which he addressed to me. I also thank you for the welcoming address expressed to me

Ecclesial communion draws nourishment from sacrifices of those who suffer

21 December 1980 To the health personnel of the Hospital of St. James in Rome In the afternoon of Sunday , 21st of December, the Holy Father went on a pastoral visit to the Hospital of  St. James  in the Augusta section of Rome. In

John Paul II 25 years with those who suffer and with their doctors

PREFACE Each Pontificate is marked by those events which, during that time, have posed questions to the Church and by the answers which the Church, through the voice of its Supreme Shepherd, has offered following the Gospel and the salvific mission which the Lord Jesus


  Il Medico celeste L’unzione degli infermi e la bellezza di Dio Lettera pastorale per l’anno 2010-2011 + Bruno Forte Arcivescovo Metropolita di Chieti-Vasto Che senso hanno la malattia e il dolore? La fede in Gesù può aiutarci a riconoscervi un significato e a farne


Salvifici Doloris (February 11, 1984) [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish]

No medical solution which violates natural law and opposes revealed truth would be truly compassionate

8 September 1988 To the participants in a meeting of the European Academy of Anaesthesiology On Thursday, 8 September, the Holy Father received in audience at Castel Gandolfo the participants in the meeting of the European Academy of Anaesthesiology.  During the audience the Pontiff gave

In participation in suffering the church is the community of the children of God and God’s dwelling place among us

26 June 1988 To the elderly, sick and disabled in Salzburg Cathedral On the morning of Sunday, 26 June, the Holy Father went to the Cathedral of Salzburg where he led the morning prayer.  Participating in that liturgy were many of the elderly, infirm and

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Solidarity and love grow in the face of pain and grifef

12 May 1988 To the sick and elderly and their medical personnel in Sucre On Thursday, 12 May, the Holy Father went to the Cathedral of Sucre where the elderly and infirm, along with many medical personnel, were waiting to greet him.  During this meeting

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