Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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-May 3: Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

On Saturday, May 3, the Consecration of the Catholic Doctors to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will take place at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Meditations and Conferences will also take place in a whole day session. Holy Mass at 18h presided over by Msgr.

Ô Notre Dame, Secours des chrétiens,

Ô Notre Dame, Secours des chrétiens,  Mère de Jésus Notre Seigneur,  lui qui « là où il passait, faisait le bien et guérissait » (Ac 10,38), porte ton regard sur nous,  représentants des milliers de médecins des cinq continents,  réunis dans cette cathédrale de Paris,  où,

O Maria, Onze Lieve Vrouw

O Maria, Onze Lieve Vrouw, Hulp der Christenen,Moeder van Jezus, onze Heer,Hij die "weldoende rondging en allen genas" (Handelingen 10,38),richt uw blik op ons,vertegenwoordigers van duizenden artsen van alle continenten,bijeengekomen in deze kathedraal van Parijs,waar u al eeuwenlang de gebeden van uw kinderen verhoort,om onze

Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. Robert L. Walley

Dr. Robert Lester Walley was much more than an accomplished OB/GYN and international public health leader, he was a visionary whose compassion and unwavering commitment to safe motherhood transformed lives across the globe. Born on June 30, 1938, in Canada, Dr. Walley’s extraordinary journey was

O Nostra Signora, Soccorso dei cristiani,

O Nostra Signora, Soccorso dei cristiani, Madre di Gesù Nostro Signore, Lui che “dove passava, faceva il bene e guariva” (At 10,38) volgi il tuo sguardo su di noi, rappresentanti di migliaia di medici provenienti dai cinque continenti, riuniti in questa Cattedrale di Parigi, dove,

Book Bioethics-2025 will appear soon!

BIOETHICS IN THE WORLD: STATUS QUAESTIONIS IN 2025 Bioethics: a comprehensive, global, current, retrospective and prospective approach to human behavior in medicine and other life sciences. PRESENTATION OF THE VOLUME Dr. José María Simón Castellví Bioethics is interdisciplinary, and is at the intersection of multiple

Our Lady, Help of Christians,

Our Lady, Help of Christians,Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ,he who “went about doing good and healing all ” (Acts 10:38),cast your gaze on us,we, the representatives of thousands of doctors from five continents,gathered in this cathedral of Paris,where, for centuries, you have listened to the

Oración de consagración a la Virgen María

Oh Nuestra Señora, Auxilio de los cristianos, Madre de Jesús Señor Nuestro, Él, que “dondequiera que iba, hacía el bien y sanaba” (Hechos 10:38), Míranos, representantes de miles de médicos de los cinco continentes, Reunidos en esta catedral de París, donde durante siglos has escuchado

Raising a New Generation of Catholic Healers

Hope for the Future: Raising a New Generation of Catholic Healers MaterCare International "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 As National

Empowering Local Midwives

Empowering Local Midwives: Saving Mothers, Nurturing Life MaterCare International  In the most remote parts of the world, pregnancy and childbirth remain perilous journeys. Too many mothers face the unimaginable reality of bringing life into the world without access to skilled care, proper facilities, or even

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