Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    The Office of FIAMC Ecclesiastical Assistant has become vacant

    Dear Colleagues and Friends, This is to inform that the office of the FIAMC Ecclesiastical Assistant has become vacant. In the near future will will issue updated information on the new Assistant. Yours truly, FIAMC EXCO

      Come Holy Spirit!

      JESUS called the HOLY SPIRIT our “Counselor and Comforter”, who will lead us into the full truth. He is therefore the light of God that enlightens and moves us inwardly. He appeared to the apostles at Pentecost in the form of tongues of fire, because

        Peace Message for Advent and Christmas – 2023

        Message of Mgr. Marian Eleganti, Ecclesiastical Assistant of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, in English, Italian, Spanish, Portugees, French and German. (Please scroll down for your preferred language) Peace without God is not possible "I fear God!" Joseph of Egypt once said in a story from the Holy Scriptures. After

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          First images of the First FIAMC Bootcamp in Lisbon

          On the first day of the World Youth Days 2023 in Lisbon, we present your the first images of the First International Medical Students Leadership Bootcamp ‘Tirocinium AD MMXXIII‘, promoted by FIAMC organized by CMA Youth Sections from USA, Portugal, Croatia, Netherlands and Brazil, held from July

            Mgr. Eleganti’s Easter Message 2023

            (Please scroll down for other languages). Msgr. Marian Eleganti . Breaking down biological boundaries with the help of technology is not new to us physicians, indeed: it goes without saying. This can be very helpful and useful. The problem is not the connection between humans

              First address of our new Ecclesiastical Assistant (en, fr, es, it)

              Dear doctors, At the beginning of the new year, as the newly appointed ecclesiastical assistant of our federation, I have the privilege of addressing you briefly for the first time some lines.   I am very happy about this new task.  When I was young,

                FIAMC welcomes its new Ecclesiastical Assistant

                (Traduction française plus bas) The Presidency of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (F.I.A.M.C.) has the honor and joy to announce the appointment of its Ecclesiastical Assistant by His Eminence Cardinal Kevin Farrell, in the person of Bishop Marian Eleganti, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of

                  Adieu, Fr Jacques!

                  If you were in the same room as Msgr Jacques Suaudeau, you will probably not notice him. Despite his vast intellect Fr Jacques had a very humble and unassuming demeanour. He is not the type who wins argument by shouting down or ridiculing his opponent

                    Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars présente ses condoléances

                    "On behalf of the World Federation of Catholic Doctors (FIAMC), the President, Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, presents his most Christian condolences to the family and friends of Mgr. Suaudeau. He also expresses his gratitude to Monsignor Suaudeau for his spiritual and intellectual support as pastoral

                      Mons. Jacques Suaudeau, in memoriam

                                  Conocí a Mons. Jacques Suaudeau en Roma a finales de los años noventa. Con su bicicleta se movía veloz por las calles de la Ciudad Eterna. Por entonces este sacerdote francés trabajaba como oficial en la Academia Pontificia para la Vida. A punto de

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