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    Mort de Mgr Jacques Suaudeau

    Mort de Mgr Jacques Suaudeau, expert discret et reconnu en bioéthique L’ancien directeur scientifique de l’Académie pontificale pour la vie est décédé le 28 juillet au soir à Voiron. Il avait dédié toute sa vie à la recherche scientifique et à la défense des plus

      Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau. In memoriam

      28 July 2022 Photo: Fr. Richard Taylor and Msgr Jacques Suaudeau. Maria Santissima Bambina. Rome The death of Mgsr. Jacques Suaudeau, a doctor and a priest, July 28th, saddens the hearts of all Catholic doctors in Europe and around the world. His long service to

        Msgr Suaudeau passed away

        Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau, FIAMC and FEAMC Ecclesiastical Assistant , died last night in Voiron, near Grenoble, due to a very rapidly evolving tumor. We entrust him to the Father's arms so that he may rest forever in the peace of heaven. The FIAMC family is sad

          Christ is risen, Alleluia!

          Easter Message from Mgr. Jacques Suaudeau, Ecclesiastical Assistant of FIAMC Below in French, Italian and Spanish / Ci-dessous en Français, Italien et Espagnol / Sotto in Francese, Italiano e Spagnolo / Abajo en Francés, Italiano y Español We have just celebrated the Lord’s Easter, and

            FIAMC lembra Mons. Feytor Pinto

            FIAMC LEMBRA MONS. FEYTOR PINTO Em mensagem enviada à Associação dos Médicos Católicos Portugueses (AMCP), a Federação Internacional das Associações de Médicos Católicos (FIAMC), a que a AMCP também pertence, envia as condolências pela morte de Mons. Vítor Feytor Pinto: O Reverendo Padre Feytor Pinto

              Father Vítor Feytor Pinto died

              Home  Father Vítor Feytor Pinto died, aged 89, TVI confirmed to a source in the Patriarchate of Lisbon. Feytor Pinto died this morning, at Hospital da Luz, in Lisbon, said Campo Grande Parish. He was for so many a generous friend, a companion on the

                Pope Francis on the COVID-19 epidemic – Msgr. J. Suaudeau

                During the recent General Assembly of the European Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FEAMC) in Rome, September 25th, Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau, Ecclesiastical Assistant of both the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) and the European Federation discussed the ideas, actions and reflections of Pope

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                  5 Things a spiritual advisor wants Catholic physicians to know

                  Supamotion | Shutterstock Barbara Stoyell-Mulholland  - published on 09/15/21 There are unique challenges to being a Catholic healthcare professional today, but also distinct advantages. Serving as a Catholic physician in contemporary society has its unique challenges and leverages.  If you place the Catholic physician and the

                    Easter Message 2021

                    "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up so that those who believe in Him may not perish, but may have life everlasting" (John, 3, 14-15). We have come to the Feast of Easter,

                      Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

                      In response to many questions about the position of FIAMC concerning the vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, president of the FIAMC, recommends the article 'Vaccins against SARS-CoV-2' by Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau, priest of the diocese of Grenoble, former Scientific Director of the Pontifical

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