Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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FIAMC Executive Committee 2024-2025

PRESIDENCY President: Prof. Bernard ArsVice President: Dr. John I. LaneTreasurer: Dr. Niklaus Waldis Secretary General Prof. Jose Diogo Ferreira MartinsEcclesiastic Assistant: [to be named] CONTINENTAL OFFICERS AFRICA Regional deletage to FIAMC: Dr. Henrietta Williams (Representative for Anglophone Africa)Regional deletage to FIAMC: Dr. Evariste Likinda (Representative

The Office of FIAMC Ecclesiastical Assistant has become vacant

Dear Colleagues and Friends, This is to inform that the office of the FIAMC Ecclesiastical Assistant has become vacant. In the near future will will issue updated information on the new Assistant. Yours truly, FIAMC EXCO

FIAMC Executive Committee meeting 2024 (Vatican City)

From left to right, Main entrance of Papal Home Casa Santa Marta:Dr. Vincenzo Defilippis (European representative), Dr. Jack Lane (Vice President), Dr. José María Simón (Past President, 2006-2014), Dr. Josef Glasa (European representative), Dr. José Diogo Ferreira Martins (Secretary General), Msgr. Marian Eleganti (Past Ecclesiastical


Date and time:  May 18, 2023, from 15:00h to 18:00h.  Location:  Casa Generalizia dei Fratelli della Carità Via Giambattista Pagano, 35 00167 Roma (Members could also meet through Zoom) From left to right:Dr. Vincenzo Defilippis, Dr. Klaus Waldis, Dr. Jack Lane, Mr. Vincent Kemme, Dr.

Nuevo Secretario General de la FIAMC

(En la derecha de la foto) PRESIDENTE DA AMCP ELEITO SECRETÁRIO-GERAL DA FIAMC José Diogo Ferreira Martins, médico cardiologista pediátrico e presidente da Direção Nacional da AMCP – Associação Nacional dos Médicos Católicos Portugueses foi eleito ontem, 17 de setembro, em Roma, secretário-geral da FIAMC

COVID-19 : Comment protéger les autres ?

Cela vous arrive-t-il de vous énerver contre des gens irresponsables, même si vous n’êtes pas concerné personnellement ? Contre des personnes insouciantes ou égoïstes qui sont malades au point d’aller faire le test du Covid 19, qui devraient se tenir en quarantaine, mais continuent de sortir,

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Christmas Greetings from the FIAMC Presidency !

Joy to the world! The Lord is come. Let earth receive her king! We wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020 ! Presidency of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations: President Dr. Bernard ArsVice President Dr. John I. Lane Secretary

FIAMC Exco meeting, Rome, November 2018

The Executive Committee of the Federation took place on November 30, 2018, at the Roman office of AMCI (Medici Cattolici Italiani) presided over by doctor Bernard Ars. Pictures by Dr. François Blin

FEAMC Exco Program in Lviv (October, 2018)

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING --- EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF THE CATHOLIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS (FEAMC) Lviv, October 18-21, 2018 (St. George cathedral) Day 1, Thursday, October 18, 2018 * Arrival of FEAMC Representatives, accommodation at the hotel Day 2, Friday, October 19, 2018 10:00 - Meeting in the

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Please see the brief article penned by the Canadian Federation of Catholic Physicians’ Societies. I am happy to expand upon it if you would like a longer explanation. The World Medical Association will hold a Council meeting in Riga, Latvija from April 26-28, when physician

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