Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

    Book: “Medicine: Restorative or Transformative?”

    On 15-17 October 2022, the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (F.I.A.M.C.), met for their XXVIth Congress at the Augustinianum in Rome, to consider the exercise of their profession under the above topic. They discussed the notion of ‘repair’ under the three aspects: medical, philosophical

      Livre: “Réparer ou transformer ?”

      Enjeux philosophiques et théologiques d'une question médicale Préface de Peter TurksonContributions de Philippe Cappelle-Dumont, Lorella Congiunti, Giulia Lombardi, Yves Semen, Jean-Guilhem XerriÉdité par Bernard Ars, Dominique Lambert Presses universitaires de Namur | Philosophies, Religions & Sociétés n° 5 Téléchargez le folder ! Nul ne peut nier les aspects positifs fournis par la médecine pour réparer les corps meurtris ou pour pallier des

        Education of the Catholic Practicing Medicine

        "EDUCATION OF THE CATHOLIC PRACTICING MEDICINE" is a text by Prof. Dr. Benard Ars, President of the World Federation of Catholiques Physicians, made available in five languages to the participants of the 26th World Congress of Catholic Physicians that took place in Rome, Institute Augustinianum,

          CMA USA Tom McGovern: “The challenges of Catholic doctors around the world”

          The World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) hosted a congress to discuss the mission of the Christian physician. EWTN Vatican Bureau Chief, Andreas Thonhauser, had the opportunity to interview Doctor Thomas McGovern, member of the Catholic Medical Association of the US. Dr. McGovern discusses

            Awards Dr. J.Mª. Simón Castellví

            On Saturday, September 17, 2022, at the end of the XXVI Congress of FIAMC, Dr. Niklaus Waldis conferred the Dr. José María Simón Castellví awards. From left to right: Dr. Shantanu Mathur received the John XXI awards on behalf of Dr. Caroline de Souza (India).

              EWTN interview on Rome Congress

              First excerpt of an interview with the spokesperson for President Bernard Ars, mr. Vincent Kemme, during the 26th World Congress for Catholic Physicians, on reparative or transformative medicine. The entire interview will be aired in October of this year.

                FIAMC Congress Rome – Photo Report

                What follows is a report of the different program components of the 26th World Congress of FIAMC, of 15-17 September 2022. Openings Mass Medical Session Academic Session Theological Session Holy Mass at Saint Peter's Basilica, presided by His Eminence Cardinal Peter Turkson, Thursday 16 September,

                  XXVI FIAMC Congress: Holy Mass at St Peter

                  September 16, 2022 Photos: FIAMC Press Services Main Celebrant: Cardinal Peter Turkson. Altar of the Chair of Saint Peter The Presidency of the FIAMC The Presidency Mr. Vincent Kemme with baritone Mr. Peter Broos (Ghent, Belgium) Past President José María Simón. First Reading. Dr. Pedro

                    Final Message of the 26th FIAMC World Congress – ‘Reparation versus Transformation in Medicine’ (En/Fr)

                    Professor Dominique Baron Lambert, Ph.D. in Physics and in Philosophy, University of Namur and Royal Academy of Belgium. To think of reparation by giving back its importance to human nature and integral ecology; to think of a formation of future doctors that articulates reparation and

                      FIAMC President: Texts and activities (update Rome 2022)

                      During the meeting of the Executive Committee of FIAMC in Rome, Tuesday Sept 28th 2021 at the Augustinianum (pictures below), an overview of the many written interventions and other activities of President Benard Ars during the three years of his presidency until now, has been

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