Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Roma: Alleanza tra Organizzazioni Internazionali

      World Health Organization Agreements on Pandemics – Threatening Freedom of Expression?

      The debate has focused on preventing future pandemic threats. Has the draft overlooked other points? What impact will the agreement have on essential liberties, especially freedom of expression? On June 28, 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) established that “The Members States of the World

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        Solidarity beyond war

        Dear Friends , Solidarity beyond war is the testimony of Major Ciccotti Mario (Deputy Secretary General of AMI) for the pharmacological assistance of populations in need in crisis areas around the world where military personnel and military chaplains have served and still serve.The synergic aid between the Banco Farmaceutico

          Surrogate motherhood: it’s high time for a universal ban

          In his address to the Diplomatic Corps, Pope Francis made an appeal along the same lines as the Casablanca Declaration, which will be the subject of an international conference in Rome on 5 and 6 April this year. Brussels, 8 January 2024. The Federation of Catholic

            COVID: a single dose is sufficient…

            WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the SAGE media briefing – 2 October 2023 2 October 2023العربية中文FrançaisEspañol Good morning, good afternoon and good evening, Today is a great day for health, a great day for science, and a great day for vaccines. I offer my warmest

              Inadmissible: abortion Cases against Poland

              Group of abortion rights cases against Poland declared inadmissible In its decision in the case of A.M. and Others v. Poland (application no. 4188/21, 4957/21, 5014/21, 5523/21, 5876/21, 6114/21, 6217/21, 8857/21) the European Court of Human Rights has unanimously declared the applications inadmissible. The decision

                Migrants: News on Forum

                Dear Members of the International Forum of Catholic-Inspired Organizations, I am sending you the information about Fr. Luis Eduardo Zavala de Alba, priest of the Monterrey Archdiocese in Mexico. He has been included in the Short List of candidates for the post of Special Rapporteur

                  Emmanuel: Rassemblement International 2023

                  Pour les médecins, chirurgiens, étudiants en médecine et leurs conjoints 13ÈME RASSEMBLEMENT INTERNATIONAL des médecins, chirurgiens et étudiants en médecine du 10 au 12 mars 2023 3 conférences avec de grands intervenants pour une approche philosophique, humaine et théologique Dr Didier LEGEAIS, Chirurgien urologue à GrenobleM. Damien

                    WMA and the right to Conscientious Objection – Message of our President

                    The World Medical Association (WMA) holds its annual General Assembly from October 5-8 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Berlin. For that Occasion, the presidents of both the World- and the European Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC and FEAMC) have written a letter, expressing their

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                      Open Letter to the World Medical Association on Conscientious Objection

                      On 11-12 August the World Medical Association in conjunction with the American Medical Association is hosting a meeting of experts in Washington DC to discuss the International Code of Medical Ethics. Among other revisions to the code it is being proposed that the code include

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