Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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St Luke´s Passion

ST LUKE’S PASSION (22:14-23:56) One of the most striking things about Luke’s Passion Account on Palm Sunday is that he no-where mentions palms. Strewn clothes yes, and a rejoicing crowd, and a donkey, but no palms. Kindly as always, he says the disciples remained faithful

Dr Walley shows the true face of feminism

Pro-life doctor shows the true face of feminism VOICES APRIL 1, 2019  SHARE  TWEET  MaterCare founder Dr. Robert Walley at a Rome conference in 2015. He says the relationship between a woman and her obstetrician is a “covenant relationship, second only to that of a priest,” writes Colleen

Mothers matter!

MaterCare's Lenten PromiseLent is a wonderful season during our liturgical year to participate in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Lent is an opportunity for all of us to recommit ourselves to our discipleship and to strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ. You're invited to join us

World Down Syndrome Day 2019

A rare personal experience for an Obstetrician March 2018 |Dr. Robert Walley, Executive Director of MaterCare International (Canada) IN CELEBRATION OF WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY: March 21st, 2018 During the 35 years I was in practice as a specialist obstetrician in Canada, I worked in a

MaterCare: Annual Report

Annual Report For the year 2018 INTRODUCTION 2018 was a year that focused on finalizing some key components of Project Isiolo as well as planning for the 2019 Rome Conference. Included are the following; Project Isiolo: Year in Review Events, Project Evaluations and Meetings Social

MaterCare for World Day of the Sick 2019

January 29, 2019 |MaterCare International Christian charity is not only an individual act of kindness, it is an integral part of actively living one’s faith through acts of mercy. In a recent article in Vatican News, “Pope Francis urges believers to promote a culture of generosity,

Response to Macron Movement

MATERCARE INTERNATIONAL RESPONDS TO #POSTCARDSFORMACRON MOVEMENT AND STATEMENTS BY FRENCH PRESIDENT November 23, 2018- In a September speech made at the Gates Foundation’s Goalkeepers Summit, French President Macron commented that mothers with large families, those with several or more children, have multiple children due to

Mothers matter

MOTHERS MATTER: OCTOBER EDITION Never miss an update by subscribing to our monthly newsletter, Mothers Matter. Mothers Matter provides a comprehensive look at MaterCare's projects and upcoming events. It also allows you to stay connected with our supporters and doctors. Join the mailing list! Don't

5 years later: What Pope Francis said to MCI-FIAMC

5 years later: What Pope Francis said to MaterCare & the FIAMC It has been 5 years since Pope Francis addressed the conference audience of MaterCare International and the FIAMC in Rome. Perhaps his words are even more impactful today. Please find below an English

Africa: Dr Walley´s personal Memoir

I was born in Malta in June 1938. - my parents lived as my father’s ship was based there, he was a marine engineer in the Royal Navy. The war began in 1939 but Malta did not come under heavy until July 1940 all families

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