Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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XXVIth FIAMC Congress Rome 2022 – Announcement

Professor Dr. Bernard Ars, president of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC), is happy to announce the next international congres of our federation, to be held in Rome. Theme: Medicine: reparative or transformative ? The mission of the christian physician. === Date: September

Invitation for the renewal of our Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

This month of June, I cordially invite all catholics who practice medicine, to renew their consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as we did in Rome, 2019. "The consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus of catholics who practice medicine is a means and

Homenaje de la Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Médicos Católicos al Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros

Version française ci-dessous.English version at the bottom. Nacido el 26 de octubre de 1864, en Isnotú, Trujillo, Venezuela, y fallecido el 29 de junio de 1919, en Caracas, el doctor Hernández vivió desde la infancia hasta su último día una vida interior hecha de oración

COVID-19 – Impacts, Enfance et Jeunesse

Prof.Dr.Bernard Ars Prof.Dr.Bernard Ars,Président de la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques. Versión en español aquí. La pandémie de maladie Covid-19 a sérieusement agressé notre société, non seulement par l’infection elle-même; mais également et peut-être plus profondément par les mesures prises pour y répondre.

Medicine and Pandemic

by Professor Dr. Bernard Ars, President of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations. It is certainly premature to draw the medical consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic today.Medicine faces a new virus whose pathogenesis, origin and mode of spread are still largely unknown. Let us

Doctor-Patient Relationship – World Day of the Sick – 2021

Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, President F.I.A.M.C.. Version française plus basVersión en español a continuaciónVersão portuguesa abaixoVersione italiana di seguito Photo: President Bernard Ars in front of the tomb of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, World Day of the Sick 2019. Dear Colleagues, February 11 is recognized

Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

In response to many questions about the position of FIAMC concerning the vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, president of the FIAMC, recommends the article 'Vaccins against SARS-CoV-2' by Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau, priest of the diocese of Grenoble, former Scientific Director of the Pontifical

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L’ideologia transhumanista. Quid ?

Prof. Dr. Bernard ArsPresidente della Federazione delle Associationi di Medici Cattolici.  Version française ci-dessousVersión en español a continuación L'Emergenza Storica Il "Progresso" è l'azione di andare avanti, il movimento in avanti, un termine che comprende le nozioni di complessità e incompletezza, semplicemente perché il

“TESTIMONIALS AND HOPE” more correct terms than “VALUES”

Dr. Bernard Ars,President of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations. Scroll down for French, Italian, and Spanish In our comment of May 25, 2020, on the french blog « Chronique d'une blouse blanche », we stigmatized the current media language which offers “values” as a Christian message. In contemporary discourse,

Renewal of our consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Renewal of the Consecration of Catholic Doctors to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at Banneux Notre Dame, in Belgium, June 21th 2020, by Dr. Bernard Ars, president, before an assembly of more than two hundred faithful. Renouvellement de la consécration des médecins catholiques au Sacré-Coeur

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