Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

In response to many questions about the position of FIAMC concerning the vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, president of the FIAMC, recommends the article 'Vaccins against SARS-CoV-2' by Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau, priest of the diocese of Grenoble, former Scientific Director of the Pontifical

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L’ideologia transhumanista. Quid ?

Prof. Dr. Bernard ArsPresidente della Federazione delle Associationi di Medici Cattolici.  Version française ci-dessousVersión en español a continuación L'Emergenza Storica Il "Progresso" è l'azione di andare avanti, il movimento in avanti, un termine che comprende le nozioni di complessità e incompletezza, semplicemente perché il

The gender theory, looked at from the perspective of Christian anthropology, creation theology and human ecology

On the occasion of the Season of Creation 2020, FIAMC-president Bernard Ars has invited His Eminence Willem Cardinal Eijk, archbishop of Utrecht (The Netherlands) to contribute to the FIAMC website with a reflection on gender, creation and human ecology. FIAMC is happy to be able

Samaritanus bonus – spread the word!

Le président de la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques, le Professeur Dr. Bernard Ars, appelle tous les membres de tous les pays à donner la plus grande diffusion possible à lettre publiée le 22 septembre 2020 par la Congrégation pour la Doctrine de

“TESTIMONIALS AND HOPE” more correct terms than “VALUES”

Dr. Bernard Ars,President of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations. Scroll down for French, Italian, and Spanish In our comment of May 25, 2020, on the french blog « Chronique d'une blouse blanche », we stigmatized the current media language which offers “values” as a Christian message. In contemporary discourse,

Président Bernard Ars reçu par le Président de la COMECE

Son Éminence le Cardinal J.Cl. Hollerich, Président de la Commission des Episcopats de l'Union européenne (COMECE), a reçu ce mercredi 2 juillet 2020, à Luxembourg, le Professeur Dr. Bernard Ars, Président de la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques. La COMECE se compose d’Evêques

Renouvellement de la consécration des médecins catholiques au Sacré-Coeur de Jésus

English version below. A Banneux Notre Dame, une village au sud de Liège en Belgique, la Vierge Marie est apparue plusieurs fois entre le 15 janvier et le 2 mars 1933 à Mariette Beco, une petite fille de 11 ans, se présentant sous le nom « Vierge des Pauvres ».

Renewal of our consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Renewal of the Consecration of Catholic Doctors to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at Banneux Notre Dame, in Belgium, June 21th 2020, by Dr. Bernard Ars, president, before an assembly of more than two hundred faithful. Renouvellement de la consécration des médecins catholiques au Sacré-Coeur

“VALUES”: a politically correct slogan! Is it sufficient ?

Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D..President of the International Federation of Associations of Catholic Doctors. Version française plus bas "Value" means according to the (French) Robert dictionary, "attribute" under four aspects: the quality of a person, the character of a market good, the interest of a thing,

The Post-COVID-19 Pandemic – New Socio-Medical Future

Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D..President of the International Federation of Associations of Catholic Doctors. Scroll down for the French, Spanish, Italian and Portugees version of this text. The confinement period of the beginning of 2020 has shown that globalization, an economic and financial phenomenon, has limits,

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