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    Catholic Doctor of the Year

    We are accepting applications for the 2023 Catholic Doctor of the Year! To submit the name of a qualified doctor(s) for consideration fill out an application form online or download and complete an application and send it to Mission Doctors. All forms are due by July 15, 2023, by

      A Medical Vocation Today

      Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications  MEDWIN PUBLISHERS ISSN: 2691-5774  Committed to Create Value for Researchers  Is a Medical Vocation Possible Today? Is a Christian Medical Vocation Possible Today?  Pilar Nunez Cubero M1,2*   1Department of Bioethics, Comillas Pontifical University University, Spain 2Department of Philosophy, Ramon

        Darbonne Shares Path to Pro-Life Practice as Catholic Doctor

        News  28 October 2021   By Pamela SealDiocese of Lake Charles  LAKE CHARLES — Health care professionals gathered for the second annual “White Mass and Blessing” on Sunday, October 24, in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. The 9:30 a.m. liturgy was celebrated by Bishop Glen John

          Catholic Doctor honored for service during COVID-19 pandemic

          Major Daniel E. O'Connell, MD, MPH, receives the 2021 Catholic Doctor of the Year Award on Oct. 24, during the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ annual Mass for Catholic Healthcare Professionals. | Mission Doctors Association. By Kate Olivera Los Angeles, Calif., Oct 26, 2021 / 18:39 pm

            The doctor must, first of all, treat and tell the truth

            26 September 2021 Informatione Cattolica, 26th September 2021 Doctor Vincenzo Defilippis, President of the European Federation of the Associations of Catholic Doctors (FEAMC): “We must return quickly to living medicine as an ethical profession, on the example of saints Cosma, Damiano and Giuseppe Moscati “.

              Doctor-Patient Relationship – World Day of the Sick – 2021

              Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, President F.I.A.M.C.. Version française plus basVersión en español a continuaciónVersão portuguesa abaixoVersione italiana di seguito Photo: President Bernard Ars in front of the tomb of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, World Day of the Sick 2019. Dear Colleagues, February 11 is recognized

                Los médicos de España afirman su compromiso por la la vida humana

                Los médicos de España afirman su compromiso por la la vida humana y su dignidad Recuerda que “el médico tiene el deber de intentar la curación o mejoría del paciente siempre que le sea posible” 15 septiembre, 2020 En relación a la actividad legislativa

                  My COVID Journey: Experiences of a practising Indian ‘Doctor Nun’

                  July 20, 2020 About the Author: Sr Dr Beena UMI belongs to the Congregation of Ursulines of Mary Immaculate. She obtained her MBBS and MS Degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore-India. She has a Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery from World

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                    Médicos con valores cristianos para inmigrantes en Nueva York

                    Por SOMOS | 2020 Mario Paredes, CEO de SOMOS, habla de la estrecha relación entre médico primario y paciente. «SOMOS es una organización de médicos primarios en la ciudad de Nueva York fundada hace cinco años». Mario Paredes, su CEO, es consciente del papel esencial que desempeña el médico en zonas de

                      El personal de salud necesita los sacramentos, afirma médico católico

                      El responsable para el mundo de habla hispana de la Asociación Médica Católica (CMA) de los Estados Unidos, Félix Ángel Rodríguez, señaló que el personal de salud necesita permanecer cerca de los sacramentos para poder tratar a los enfermos y a sus familiares con misericordia,

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