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    Kathigasu, Sybil M.

    1899 - 1948Nurse, lay martyr and World War II heroineRoman CatholicMalaysia Sybil Kathigasu was born Sybil Medan Daly on September 3, 1899 in Medan, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. She was the fifth child and only daughter of Joseph Daly, an Irish-Eurasian planter, and Beatrice Matilda

      La Enfermería, profesión ética y en auge

      Joaquín Callabed Ha cambiado mucho la profesión de enfermería en los últimos 40 años. Recuerdo mis primeros pasos como estudiante de Medicina en el Hospital de Gracia en Zaragoza trabajando en el equipo del Dr. Val Carreres. En el Hospital Clínico, en el Servicio de

        Four Key Documents for Guidance on Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice

        Vatican – The Holy See New Charter for Health Care Workers, 2017 [SELECT HERE] Charter for Health Care Workers, 2014 [SELECT HERE] CICIAMS – International Catholic Committee of Nurses & Medico-Social Assistants (Comité International Catholique des Infirmières et Assistantes Médico-Sociales). CICIAMS Ethics Guidelines and Principles of Practice

          Catholic Nurse Leans on God for Support While Treating COVID Patients

          Colleen Donovan has been working in the COVID-19 unit at NYU Winthrop Hospital in Long Island. The life-long Catholic has been leaning on God as a source of strength during this difficult time. This is happening all over the country, and polls from both Pew

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            CICIAMS: An experience with COVID

            My Experience with Covid-19 My dear brothers and sisters, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Janet Muchengwa originally from Zambia and now settled in the United Kingdom. I am a professional nurse working as a Unit Matron

              Embracing the Gift of Christian Spirituality in Nursing

              NCBC Resources for COVID-19 RSS While working night shift and completing rounds as a Catholic nurse, I am frequently overcome by faith in the silent shadows. Nighttime nursing offers a special time for quiet realization of the value, dignity, and gift of each and every

                Enfermeras santas, desde la Edad Media a nuestros días

                Desde santa Isabel de Hungría a las enfermeras mártires del cruel siglo XX: coraje y ternura, unidos Día Mundial de la Enfermera: una lista de enfermeras santas, desde la Edad Media a nuestros días Una enfermera en oración... desde su origen, la fe, la ciencia

                  Nursing, Ministry & Catholic Mission

                  Mission:The National Association of Catholic Nurses, U.S.A gives nurses of different backgrounds, but with the same Roman Catholic values, the opportunity to promote moral principles within the Catholic context in nursing and stimulate desire for professional development. This approach to Roman Catholic doctrine focuses on:

                    Pope Francis on International Nurses Day (+++ languages)

                    Dear brothers and sisters, Today we celebrate International Nurses Day, in the context of the International Year of Nurses and Midwives officially declared by the World Health Organization. At this same time, we observe the bicentennial of the birth of Florence Nightingale, the pioneer of

                      Catholic nurse: Prayer is essential during COVID

                      Senior nurse says prayer life is essential during COVID-19 crisis Maria Arvonio following a meeting at the White House May 6, 2020. Courtesy image. By Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, May 7, 2020 / 10:48 am MT (CNA).- A Catholic nurse said the coronavirus pandemic

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