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    Catholic nurse to be recognized at White House

    Catholic Nurse to be recognized at the White House by @POTUS today. Live stream available at 1200 noon via and @FoxNews Youtube. Maria Arvonio, BSN, MA (HCE), RN-Trenton, New Jersey Maria works in clinical nursing. For NACN-USA she serves as a liaison between the

      Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska, Nurse of Mercy

      Print this storyShare on FacebookShare on TwitterComments Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska, whose feast day is celebrated on April 28th, was born in Warsaw, Poland, on Oct. 7 1902, to a wealthy family, with whom she enjoyed an idyllic childhood. Hanna knew about the nursing profession even

        L’attrice che ha deciso di essere infermiera

        L’attrice che ha deciso di essere infermiera per lottare contro il coronavirus Dolors Massot | Apr 02, 2020  Clara Alvarado è un volto noto al pubblico spagnolo grazie a serie come “La Casa di Carta”, in cui interpretava uno degli ostaggi, Ariadna. L’attrice ha studiato Scienze

          Connection to hospitalized patients

          Catholic nurses often only spiritual connection to hospitalized patients By Tom Tracy Catholic News Service CNS photo/Gregory A. ShemitzA personal care assistant has her hands anointed May 7, 2018, by Father Corneille Boyeye, chaplain at St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center in Smithtown, N.Y., during the

            National Association of Catholic Nurses (Canada)

            National Association of Catholic Nurses (NACN-Canada) Click on the following to learn more about the National Association of Catholic Nurses Canada / Association Nationale des Infirmières Catholiques – Canada

              2020 “Year of the Nurse and Midwife”

              The greeting of Pope Francis at the Angelus "I am pleased to recall that 2020 has been internationally designated as the Year of Nurses and Midwife. Nurses are the most numerous and closest to the sick, and midwives are perhaps the noblest of the professions. Let

                Catholic Nurses

                The Florence Nightingale Pledge >>> I solemnly pledge myself before God and in presence of this assembly; >>> To pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. >>> I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous and will not take or

                  El Consorcio en referencia a la ley de profesionales sanitarios de Buenos Aires

                  DECLARACIÓN DEL CONSORCIO DE MÉDICOS CATÓLICOS, EN REFERENCIA A LA NUEVA LEY QUE REGULA A LOS PROFESIONALES DE LA SALUD EN LA CIUDAD AUTÓNOMA DE BUENOS AIRES. La Enfermería como profesión comprometida en el cuidado de la salud e integridad de la persona tiene en

                    CICIAMS XX World Congress

                    Uggah (left) and Cardinal Peter Turkson (right) striking gongs to open the International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants’ 20th congress in Kuching. — ZULAZHAR SHEBLEE/The Star KUCHING: The “pioneering spirit” of the church and early missionaries contributed to Sarawak’s social and human development,


                      Pope urges nurses to touch the sick like Jesus Pope Francis met representatives of Italy’s National Federation of Professional Nursing Orders in the Vatican on Feb. 3 By Robin Gomes Describing nurses as “experts in humanity”, Pope Francis on Saturday said they are “called to

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