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    Santos que evangelizaron la salud

    De san Juan de Dios a santa Teresa de Calcuta: 25 santos que evangelizaron a través de la salud Todos fueron personas comprometidas con el cuidado de los demás, que trabajaron en el ámbito sanitario y vivieron su labor profundamente marcados por el Evangelio Guillermo

      Gender Ideology Breaches the Gates of Medicine

      Science is incapable of resolving the debate about treatments for childhood gender dysphoria. James O. Breen, M.D. If you relied exclusively on the legacy media for the news, you’d never know that, recently, the Catholic Medical Association (USA), along with other faith-and-reason-based medical organizations, issued

        Pope Francis: ‘Health is not a luxury’

        Addressing a delegation of Italian radiographers, Pope Francis praises the work of healthcare professionals and calls on governments to ensure universal access to decent healthcare. By Lisa Zengarini (Vaticannews) “A world that discards the sick, which does not assist those who cannot afford treatment, is cynical

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          Education of the Catholic Practicing Medicine

          "EDUCATION OF THE CATHOLIC PRACTICING MEDICINE" is a text by Prof. Dr. Benard Ars, President of the World Federation of Catholiques Physicians, made available in five languages to the participants of the 26th World Congress of Catholic Physicians that took place in Rome, Institute Augustinianum,

            The Call to Physician Advocacy in the Public Square

            Physician as Advocate: Defending Scientific Truth in the Public Square BY TOM VENZOR Physician advocacy is everywhere. It happens daily in the clinical setting when physicians advocate for their patients in the doctor-patient relationship. It happens regularly in committee meetings with the implementation and development

              Annual conference and Scientific meeting of the Nigerian Association – Program

              In a few days, the Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (ACMPN) will have it's 16th National Conference: Theme: Strategies for Improving Health Worker Status in a Challenging World. 15th-16th July, 2022, via Zoom With a Goodwill Massage from FIAMC president Bernard Ars Registration

                A Medical Vocation Today

                Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications  MEDWIN PUBLISHERS ISSN: 2691-5774  Committed to Create Value for Researchers  Is a Medical Vocation Possible Today? Is a Christian Medical Vocation Possible Today?  Pilar Nunez Cubero M1,2*   1Department of Bioethics, Comillas Pontifical University University, Spain 2Department of Philosophy, Ramon

                  Healthcare: Strength in Unity

                  CHCLA: Strength in Unity BY STEVEN WHITE, M.D. We are confronted with very significant challenges in healthcare in America today. In addition to the ongoing dire circumstances that have arisen as a consequence of dealing with the Covid pandemic, we are now facing an existential

                    Pope tells Catholic pharmacists they play a crucial social role

                    Meeting with members of the International Federation of Catholic Pharmacists, Pope Francis highlights the crucial role this professional category plays in society, which has been further confirmed during the COVID-19 pandemic. By Lisa Zengarini (Vaticannews) Pope Francis has praised pharmacists for their engagement during the COVID-19

                      Renewing Healthcare for the Common Good

                      BY FRED FAKHARZADEH, M.D. The social doctrine of the Church provides fundamental principles that serve to form our conscience and provide criteria for prudential judgment in evaluating the framework of society. Based on these criteria, we can implement policies and action to address the structures

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