Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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The Arts of Nursing: Cath Nurses create a Network

THE ART OF NURSING: CATHOLIC NURSES CREATE NETWORK OF SUPPORT The Catholic Telegraph /  February 12, 2021 /  925SHARES  Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google+ by Susie Bergman Nursing is not only a complicated science, it is a magnificent art. In addition to employing years of scientific training and study, frontline healthcare professionals must also

L’hôpital est-il encore hospitalier ?

Il nous faut « penser » l’homme pour pouvoir le « panser ». A partir des éléments de langage animant aujourd’hui l’hôpital, Stéphane Velut le décrit comme une « industrie » chaque jour plus froide. L’homme malade, blessé serait-il devenu l’objet de consommation de l’hôpital ? Mais il apparaît qu’il y aurait

Doctor-Patient Relationship – World Day of the Sick – 2021

Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, President F.I.A.M.C.. Version française plus basVersión en español a continuaciónVersão portuguesa abaixoVersione italiana di seguito Photo: President Bernard Ars in front of the tomb of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, World Day of the Sick 2019. Dear Colleagues, February 11 is recognized

Pioneer of holistic modern Medicine

This German priest pioneered a holistic view of modern medicine Public Domain Philip Kosloski - published on 01/25/21 Fr. Sebastian Kneipp sought to treat the entire person, mind, body and soul. In the history of the Church there have been many doctors and physicians who were not

« Nouvelle Charte des personnels de la santé » disponible en cinq langues

L'Église a toujours perçu le service des malades comme « partie intégrante de sa mission », associant « la prédication de la Bonne Nouvelle à l'assistance et au soin des malades ». Le texte de la « Nouvelle Charte des personnels de la santé »

What is F.I.A.M.C.?

The letters F.I.A.M.C. are taken from the French name of the organization: “Fédération Internationale des Associations Médicales Catholiques”, French being its original official language. FIAMC is made up of about 90 National Catholic Physicians’ Associations from all over the world. The aims of FIAMC are listed in

What is the World Medical Association?

The World Medical Association (WMA) is an international organization representing physicians. It was founded on 17 September 1947, when physicians from 27 different countries met at the First General Assembly of the WMA in Paris. The organization was created to ensure the independence of physicians,

La Enfermería, profesión ética y en auge

Joaquín Callabed Ha cambiado mucho la profesión de enfermería en los últimos 40 años. Recuerdo mis primeros pasos como estudiante de Medicina en el Hospital de Gracia en Zaragoza trabajando en el equipo del Dr. Val Carreres. En el Hospital Clínico, en el Servicio de

Catholic Health World

Four Key Documents for Guidance on Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice

Vatican – The Holy See New Charter for Health Care Workers, 2017 [SELECT HERE] Charter for Health Care Workers, 2014 [SELECT HERE] CICIAMS – International Catholic Committee of Nurses & Medico-Social Assistants (Comité International Catholique des Infirmières et Assistantes Médico-Sociales). CICIAMS Ethics Guidelines and Principles of Practice

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