Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Greetings from the Catholic Forum for NGOs

Dear colleagues and friends, I sincerely hope you and yours are well, even if circumstances, and especially the confinement, are affecting both our private and professional lives.  Social relations are hampered; plans and actions have been made more fragile and scheduled perspectives have become uncertain.

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The Catholic Medical Missionary Society (UK)

DR. ROBERT HARDIE The CMMS (as most CMA members are aware) is a small independent charity funded entirely by donations made by members of the Catholic Medical Association. It was founded in 1967 by members of the Guild of Catholic Doctors to help relieve poverty and sickness

Suspension of masses and COVID-19

Suspension of public masses and other religious gatherings in some areas could be lifted in weeks time. It is a trying period. We expect the pandemic lo last until the summer months of May or June wen the weather gets hotter. The danger is that

Covid-19 Resource Centre

COVID-19 Resource Centre To assist health workers and researchers working under challenging conditions to bring this outbreak to a close, The Lancet has created a Coronavirus Resource Centre. This resource brings together new 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) content from across The Lancet journals as it is published. All

Urgent health challenges for the next decade

As a new year and a new decade kick off, WHO is releasing a list of urgent, global health challenges. This list, developed with input from our experts around the world, reflects a deep concern that leaders are failing to invest enough resources in core

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Pope to Catholic NGOs

Pope to Catholic NGOs: Move forward with courage and hope Pope Francis welcomed Papal representatives, representatives of Dicasteries of the Roman Curia, and members of Catholic-inspired NGOs to the “See of Peter” on Saturday, as a symbol of their “communion with the universal Church”. By

Forum of Catholic NGOs: Plenary meeting (Dec 5-7, 2019)

Health “The demands of the common good are dependent on the social conditions of each historical period and are strictly connected to respect for and the integral promotion of the person and his fundamental rights. These demands concern above all the commitment to peace, the

Statement: The Nairobi Summit on Population

Official Statement: Response to the ICPD25 Summit The Nairobi Summit, ICPD25 (the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo) concluded on November 14th 2019 failing to address the necessary action to reduce maternal deaths. The summit covered five themes, but

Les exclus des soins de santé en Italie

Dr. Vincenzo Defilippis. Bureau de la FEAMC, Paris, 2019 Citoyen italien, de la communauté européenne ou étranger? Tout le monde a droit aux soins de santé, mais les moyens d'y accéder sont différents et les traitements pouvant être fournis ne sont pas les mêmes. Le

The life of Grace Nana

Content Warning: This article contains material not suitable for young readers Grace Nana after her initial fistulae repair in a new dress. The life of Grace is a typical one of needless suffering endured. She was born into a poor home in a rural area

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