Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Un hôpital temporaire place Saint-Pierre

    Journée mondiale des pauvres : un hôpital temporaire place Saint-Pierre A l'occasion de la troisième journée mondiale des pauvres, qui sera célébrée le 17 novembre par une messe du Pape François, une structure médicale en préfabriqué a été mise en service sur la place Saint-Pierre.

      Health: Holy Father to FAO

      Messaggio del Santo Padre Francesco al Direttore Generale della FAO in occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell’Alimentazione, 16.10.2019 Messaggio del Santo Padre Traduzione in lingua italiana Traduzione in lingua francese Traduzione in lingua inglese In occasione dell’odierna Giornata Mondiale dell’Alimentazione, che quest’anno ha per tema Le nostre

        Dr. Dermot Kearney – Challenges facing Catholic Healthcare Professionals in the UK (CMA-UK)

        MaterCare International is pleased to announce Dr. Dermot Kearney presenting in our 2019 Rome Conference programme. Dr. Kearney is a consultant cardiologist and current President of the Catholic Medical Association (UK). He obtained a medical degree from UCD (Dublin, Ireland) in 1989. Following General Medical

          Boscia: “Attenzione a un conflitto che può mettere a rischio la sanità”

          SIR (22 agosto 2019): Responsabilità medici. Boscia (Amci): “Attenzione a un conflitto che può mettere a rischio la sanità nel suo insieme” Alla assoluta speranza nell’onnipotenza della medicina spesso si contrappone la sfiducia nei confronti dei medici. Un conflitto tra l'effettiva opera dei sanitari e

          Triptorelina e ricerca scientifica

          TRIPTORELINA E RICERCA SCIENTIFICA    “La norma etica, fondata sul rispetto della dignità della persona, deve illuminare e disciplinare tanto la fase della ricerca quanto quella dell'applicazione dei risultati, in essa raggiunti.”  (1) Questa affermazione di Giovanni Paolo II rappresenta, di per sé, un principio

            How can a doctor be an atheist?

             Bill Dunn Recently I was waiting in the examination room at the doctor’s office. I don’t really like the fact that I now can utter the phrase, “My cardiologist told me. … ” I guess having a doctor whom I can describe as “my cardiologist”

              Pope to Pediatricians / Papa ai medici pediatrici

              Pope to Pediatricians : Ensure equal access to healthcare Pope Francis on Thursday received in audience, members of the Italian Federation of Pediatricians. In prepared remarks, he urged them to commit themselves to an inclusive form of health care that respects the human body. For

              CMA- USA announces new President

              February 1, 2019 Catholic Medical Association Announces Dr. John A. Schirger as President of its Board of Directors PHILADELPHIA, PA – FEBRUARY 1, 2019 – The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) is proud to announce that Dr. John A. Schirger is now serving as President of its Board of

              Dr Kearney, CMA-UK President, says the Royal College of Physicians is organizing a “sham” survey

              Prominent Catholic doctor: U.K. group conducting sham poll on euthanasia Simon CaldwellFeb 5, 2019CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Anti-euthanasia protesters demonstrate outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London July 17, 2017. The head of the U.K. Catholic Medical Association says a professional physicians' body is conducting

                FIAMC Young Doctors – Panama 2019 – Program Announcement

                WYD Panama 2019 - Youth Festival The 2nd ever FIAMC Young Doctors meeting, during World Youth Days Panama 2019, will take place during the 'Youth Festival - Theater Program', in Panama City, where theatrical scenes about faith, life, and works of Saints and Blesseds of

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