Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Dr. Jacek Kozakiewicz passed away

    Source of text and photo: Silesian Medical Chamber; We regret to inform you of the death of the late Jacek Kozakiewicz, MD, PhD A graduate of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, born in 1975, otolaryngology specialist. Since 1989, Jacek Kozakiewicz has been

      Papa Francesco: Udienza ORL e Pediatrici

      18.11.2023 Questa mattina, il Santo Padre Franceso ha ricevuto in Udienza i membri dell’Associazione Otorinolaringologi Ospedalieri Italiani (AOOI) e della Federazione Italiana Medici Pediatrici (FIMP) e ha rivolto loro il discorso che pubblichiamo di seguito: Discorso del Santo Padre Cari fratelli e sorelle, benvenuti! Sono

        Pope to the deaf

        Pope invites the deaf to help others “hear” the voice of God Pope Francis receives members of the Italian Federation of Associations for the Deaf in audience in the Vatican, and stresses the need for inclusion and a culture of encounter. By Vatican News  The

          World Hearing Day is March 3

          World Hearing Day is March 3: Get your hearing checked February 20, 2019 Click on the image or on this link-sharing page to use our social media sharing tools or embed the image in your website or blog. A Spanish-language version of this image is also available. Do you

          Praise for new treatments warning on “noise pollution”

          26 April 1990 To the members of the "Societas Oto-rhino-laryngologica Latina" “The “Societas Oto-rhino-laryngologica Latina” held its convention in Rome and was received by the Pope on April 26, 1990.  Following is the Pope’s address to the otolaryngologists, originally given in the Italian language. Ladies

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