Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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CMA- USA announces new President

February 1, 2019 Catholic Medical Association Announces Dr. John A. Schirger as President of its Board of Directors PHILADELPHIA, PA – FEBRUARY 1, 2019 – The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) is proud to announce that Dr. John A. Schirger is now serving as President of its Board of

Dr Kearney, CMA-UK President, says the Royal College of Physicians is organizing a “sham” survey

Prominent Catholic doctor: U.K. group conducting sham poll on euthanasia Simon CaldwellFeb 5, 2019CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Anti-euthanasia protesters demonstrate outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London July 17, 2017. The head of the U.K. Catholic Medical Association says a professional physicians' body is conducting

FIAMC Young Doctors – Panama 2019 – Program Announcement

WYD Panama 2019 - Youth Festival The 2nd ever FIAMC Young Doctors meeting, during World Youth Days Panama 2019, will take place during the 'Youth Festival - Theater Program', in Panama City, where theatrical scenes about faith, life, and works of Saints and Blesseds of

Question on the liceity of a hysterectomy in certain cases

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Response to a questionon the liceity of a hysterectomy in certain cases On July 31, 1993, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith published Responses to Questions Proposed Concerning “Uterine Isolation” and Related Matters. These responses, which retain

El problema de la gestación subrogada

La gestación subrogada es, en definición de la OMS, una técnica de reproducción asistida, que se da cuando una mujer lleva el embarazo y da a luz un bebé que, genética y legalmente, pertenece a otros padres La gestante subrogada es, por tanto, la mujer

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FIAMC Young Catholic Doctors on Facebook

Since the first meeting ever for young catholic doctors during World Youth Days, in Krakow 2016, a Facebook page has been created by Dr. Pedro Spineti, cardiologist at  the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, in de Janeiro, Brazil. Dr. Spineti was also present at the 25th International

India has the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases

India has the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Diabetes and hypertension are among the fastest growing diseases in India with over 70 million diabetics and over 200 million hypertensives in the country. This is prevalent not only among the rich, but also among

Enfermedades raras: del museo a la actualidad

“Las enfermedades raras han pasado de estar en un museo a ser parte de la actualidad” Se calcula que en total hay entre 5.000 y 7.000 enfermedades raras que afectan a aproximadamente tres millones de personas en España y 500.000 en Catalunya Barcelona, 21 de

Messaggio alla Giornata “Infancia y Enfermedades Raras (Barcelona)

DICASTERIUM PRO LAICIS, FAMILIA ET VITA Prot. n. 2018/950 Citta del Vaticano, 20 novembre 2018 Messaggio ai partecipanti alla Giornata di Studio “Infancia y Enfermedades Raras” Barcellona, 21 novembre 2018 Eccellenze Reverendissime, stimatissimi Professori e Dottori, Signore e Signori, è per me un onore potermi

Jornada sobre Enfermedades Raras (Barcelona)

PREVIA Se recuerdan los aspectos conceptuales y epidemiológicos básicos con la rareza dependiente de su baja frecuencia, advirtiendo sobre la repercusión de la zona geográfica (diferencias en países industrializados y en zonas en vía de desarrollo) y de la misma edad, con distinciones en el

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