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    Papa Francesco: Udienza ORL e Pediatrici

    18.11.2023 Questa mattina, il Santo Padre Franceso ha ricevuto in Udienza i membri dell’Associazione Otorinolaringologi Ospedalieri Italiani (AOOI) e della Federazione Italiana Medici Pediatrici (FIMP) e ha rivolto loro il discorso che pubblichiamo di seguito: Discorso del Santo Padre Cari fratelli e sorelle, benvenuti! Sono

      Catholic Doctors and Biological Integrity

      American College of Pediatricians Launches New Resource Website October 3, 2023 By Dr. Tim Millea As we all know, controversies regarding so-called “gender care” continue to take center stage in both cultural and medical arenas.  The most effective means of resolving these debates and restoring

        La visita médica al adolescente

        ABORDAJE  BIOPSICOSOCIAL--- ABSTRACT--- El autor aborda el tema de la asistencia sanitaria al adolescente y considera básico conocer las distintas fases de la adolescencia (inicial, media y superior) proponiendo un abordaje sanitario biopsicosocial y pluridisciplinario . Aporta un cuestionario específico para la visita adolescentes así

        30,000 Physicians Respond To ACOG COVID19

        March 24, 2020 As representatives of over 30,000 physicians who practice according to the Hippocratic Oath, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), the American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical & Dental Associations, the Catholic Medical Association, and the Association of American Physicians

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          Coronavirus e infancia

          Foto FIAMC: Desde la izquierda, Dª. Alicia Peressutti, Dr. Callabed, Dr. Simón y Dr. García-Faria EL CORONAVIRUS Y  LA INFANCIA. UNA BREVE REFLEXIÓN Cuando mi buen amigo y distinguido colega Dr. José María Simón Castellví me sugirió que escribiera sobre “Coronavirus COVID 19 y el

            Deficiencies in Management of Gender Dysphoria

            February 13, 2020 Deficiencies in Scientific Evidence for Medical Management of Gender Dysphoria The Linacre Quarterly, official journal of The Catholic Medical Association, publishes article which finds ‘serious deficits’ in scientific evidence for medical management of gender dysphoria For Immediate Release Philadelphia, PA—In an article

              The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019

              The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has today decided to award the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to William G. Kaelin Jr., Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe and Gregg L. Semenza for their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability

                Conference Best for Children

                Joint Conference with the American College of Pediatricians and AAPLOG April 5-7, 2019Marian University Medical School and Campus 2019 Conference Sponsors

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                  Pope to Pediatricians / Papa ai medici pediatrici

                  Pope to Pediatricians : Ensure equal access to healthcare Pope Francis on Thursday received in audience, members of the Italian Federation of Pediatricians. In prepared remarks, he urged them to commit themselves to an inclusive form of health care that respects the human body. For

                    BAMBIN GESÙ È PRONTO!

                    Alfie Evans: Enoc (Bambino Gesù), “aereo con medici è pronto a decollare da Ciampino” 24 aprile 2018 @ 20:15 “Noi siamo pronti, l’aereo è a Ciampino con i medici a bordo. L’ambasciata italiana in Inghilterra sta anche cercando un’ambulanza per il trasporto dall’ospedale all’aeroporto. L’aereo,

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