Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Doctor, Doctor: What it’s like to practice psychiatry Sigue a Doctor, Doctor  Feature Interview (11:21) – Our specialty focus series continues with Harvard Psychiatrist Dr. Kevin Majeres who gives an inside look at what it’s like to practice psychiatry including why he chose his specialty, what his typical day is like, some of

      USA: Alarming impact of COVID on mental health Dr. Cynthia Hunt, psychiatrist and member of the Catholic Medical Association (USA), joins us with a look at a new survey showing the alarming impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Americans’ mental health. She breaks down the findings and shares ways we can support

        Religious service attendance is associated with a lower risk…

        Original Investigation May 6, 2020 Religious Service Attendance and Deaths Related to Drugs, Alcohol, and Suicide Among US Health Care Professionals Ying Chen, ScD1,2; Howard K. Koh, MD, MPH3,4; Ichiro Kawachi, MD, PhD5; et alMichael Botticelli, MEd6; Tyler J. VanderWeele, PhD1,2Author AffiliationsArticle InformationJAMA Psychiatry. Published online May 6, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2020.0175editorial comment icon EditorialCommentauthor interview icon Interviews Audio Interview (20:36)Religious Service Attendance and Deaths Related to

          Dr. Wes Ely discusses COVID19 related “delirium” and other symptoms

          Her father´s delirium was a first sign of coronavirus. Catholic Medical Association (USA)'s Dr. Wes Ely discusses #COVID19 related "delirium" and other symptoms:

            How We Can Turn to God in Times of Need

   ----Official Radio Show of the Catholic Medical Association USA)----- Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Kevin Majeres Dr. Kevin Majeres shares practical ways of successfully living with anxiety, especially how we can use moments of stress and anxiety to grow in faith and unite ourselves to God

              COVID-19: Unintended Mental Health Consequences

     Dr. Francie Broghammer, Psychiatry resident at the UC-Irvine School of Medicine, talks about the mental health consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and the overlooked consequences of the crisis including increased anxiety, loneliness, unemployment, and other increased stressors.

                La resilienza: un approccio personalistico

                Dott. Ermanno Pavesi Da alcuni anni, anche in pubblicazioni divulgative il concetto di resilienza è utilizzato per definire e spiegare le capacità di una persona di affrontare positivamente situazioni di crisi. Il vocabolario on line della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani spiega che resilienza significa: «1. Nella

                  World Bipolar Day (March 30)

                  WORLD BIPOLAR DAY Observed internationally on March 30th, World Bipolar Day promotes awareness and with a goal to eliminate the social stigma commonly attached to the disorder. World Bipolar Day is the global observance of how bipolar disorder affects the lives of many and serves as

                    Psychological Impact of Coronavirus

                    Catholic medical professionals are recommending a balance of prayer and healthy time management to maintain psychological well-being during the coronavirus pandemic, when many are alone and disconnected from loved ones. Correspondent Mark Irons tells us what doctors are advising. Barbara Golder, M.D., J.D. Dr.

                      Convegno Vulnerabilità adolescenziale

                      Convegno Vulnerabilità adolescenziale - AMCI Oppido Amci Sezione San Giuseppe Moscati - Diocesi OPPIDO M- Palmi Vulnerabilità adolescenziale: il cervello dipendente identità e rapporti umani  Sabato 30 novembre 2019 ore 9 Centro Congressi Giulio Cosentino Banca di Credito Cooperativo CITTANOVA (RC) Manif. Ass. AMCI.jpg[ ]347 Kb

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